Thursday, October 10, 2013

CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES - Civil Engineering Specifications




A.         General
1.         Promptly implement variation order procedures
a.   Provide full written data required to evaluate variations.
b.   Maintain detailed records of work done on a daily work basis.
c.   Provide full documentation to OWNER on request.
2.         Designate in writing the member of Contractor’s organization:
a.   Who is authorized to accept variations in the work.
b.   Who is responsible for informing others in the contractor’s employ of the authorization of variations in the work.

B.         Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.         Bill of Quantities.
2.         General Conditions of Contract: Alterations, Additions and Omissions.
3.         Section 01320: Construction Programs.


A.         Variations order: See General Conditions of Contract.

B.         Construction Variation Authorization: A written order to the Contractor, signed by Owner which amends the Contract Documents as described, and authorizes Contractor to proceed with a variation that affects the Contract Price or the Contract Time for inclusion in a subsequent variation order.

C.        OWNER Supplemental Instructions: A written order, instructions, or interpretations, signed by OWNER making minor variations in the work not involving a variation in Contract Price or Contract Time.


A.         Owner may initiate variations by submitting a proposal/request to Contractor. Request will include:
1.         Detailed description of the Variations, Products, and locations of the variation in the project.
2.         Supplementary or revised drawings and specifications.
3.         The project time span for making the variation, and a specific statement as to whether overtime work is, or is not, authorized.
4.         A specific period of time during which the requested price will be considered valid.
5.         Such request is for information only, and is not an instruction to execute the changes, nor to stop work in progress.

B.         Contractor may initiate variations by submitting a written notice to Owner containing.
1.         Description of the proposed changes.
2.         Statement of the reason for making the variations.
3.         Statement of the effect on the Contract Price and the Contract time.
4.         Statement of the effect on the work of separate contractors.
5.         Documentation supporting any variation in Contract Price or Contract Time, as appropriate.


A.         In lieu of Proposal Request, owner may issue a construction variation authorization for Contractor to proceed with a variation for subsequent inclusion in a Variation Order.

B.         Authorization will describe variations in the work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of variation, and will designate the method of determining any variation in the Contract Time.

C.        Owner will sign and date the Construction Variation Authorization as authorization of the contractor to proceed with the variations.

D.        Contractor may sign and date the Construction Variation Authorization to indicate agreement with the terms therein.


A.         Support each quotation for a lump-sum proposal, and for each unit price which has not previously been established, with sufficient substantiating data to allow Owner to evaluate the quotation.

B.         On request provide additional data to support time and cost computations:
1.         Labor required.
2.         Equipment required.
3.         Products required.
a.   Recommended source of purchase and unit cost.
b.   Quantities required.
4.         Taxes, insurance and bonds.
5.         Credit for work deleted from Contract, similarly documented.
6.         Overhead and profit.
7.         Justification for any variation in Contract Time.

C.        Support each claim for additional costs, and for work done on a daily work account basis, with documentation as required for a lump-sum proposal, plus additional information.
1.         Name of the person who ordered the work, and date of the order.
2.         Dates and times work was performed, and by whom.
3.         Time record, summary of hours worked, and hourly rates of use.
4.         Receipts and invoices for:
a.   Equipment used, listing dates and times of use.
b.   Products used, listing of quantities.
c.   Subcontracts.

D.        Document requests for substitutions for products as specified in Section 01600.


A.         OWNER will prepare each Variation order.

B.         Variation order will describe variation in the work both additions and deletions with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the variation.

C.        Variation order will provide an accounting of the adjustment in the Contract Price and in the Contract Time.


A.         Content of Variation order will be based on, either:
1.         OWNER’s proposal request and Contractor’s responsive proposal as mutually agreed between Owner and Contractor.
2.         Contractor’s proposal for a variation, as recommended by OWNER.

B.         OWNER will sign and date the Variation Order as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the variations.

C.        Contractor may sign and date the Variation Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein.


A.         Content of Variation Order will be based on, either:
1.         OWNER’s definition of the scope of the required work.
2.         Contractor’s proposal for a variation, as recommended by Engineer.
3.         Survey of completed work.
B.         The amount of the unit costs to be:
1.         Those stated in the Bill of Quantities wherever possible.
2.         Otherwise those mutually agreed upon between OWNER and Contractor.

C.        When quantities of each of the items affected by the Variation Order can be determined prior to start of the work.
1.         Owner will sign and date the Variation Order as authorization for Contractor to proceed with the variation.
2.         Contractor may sign and date the Variation Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein.

D.        When quantities of the items cannot be determined prior to start of the work:
1.         Engineer will issue a construction variation authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the variation on the basis of unit cost, and will cite the applicable unit price.
2.         At completion of the variation, OWNER will determine the cost of such work based on the unit costs and quantities used.
a.   Contractor shall submit documentation to establish the number of units of each item and any claims for a variation in Contract Price and in Contract Time.
3.         Engineer will sign and date the Variation Order to establish the variation in Contract Price and in Contract Time.
4.         OWNER and Contractor will sign and date the Variation Order to indicate their agreement with the terms therein.


A.         OWNER will issue a Construction Variation Authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the variations.

B.         At completion of the variation, Contractor shall submit itemized accounting and supporting data as provided in the clause Documentation of Proposals and Claim for this section.

C.        OWNER will determine the allowable cost of such work, as provided in General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions.

D.        OWNER will sign and date the Variation Order to establish the Variation in Contract Price in Contract Time.

E.         OWNER and Contractor will sign and date the variation order to indicate their agreement therewith.

A.         Periodically revise Bills of Quantities and Request for Payment forms to record each variation as a separate item of work, and to record the adjusted Contract Price.

B.         Periodically revise the construction schedule to reflect each variation in Contract Time.
1.         Revise sub-schedules to show variation for other items of work affected by the variations.

C.        Upon completion of work under a Variation order, enter pertinent variations in Record Documents.


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