Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAMMES




A.        General
This section refers to the quality control procedure.

B.        Related Work Specified Elsewhere
Section 01450 Quality Control


Contractor shall provide a comprehensive Contractor Quality Control Program to ensure that all engineering, construction, materials, equipment and workmanship provided under this Contract are in compliance with contract provisions, applicable laws, codes and standards, and sound engineering and construction practices, unless specifically instructed otherwise by the Owner.
The Contractor Quality Control Program shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1.         Provisions for the review and certification by a responsible contractor representative of all engineering, design and other technical submittals to the Owner under the terms of the Contract.
2.         Provision of a contractor Quality Control organization headed by a full time contractor Quality Control manager to monitor and supervise the implementation of the Contractor Quality Control Program, and monitor compliance of establishment and functioning of a testing laboratory for continued material testing.
3.         Co-ordination of the Independent Testing Laboratory activities.
4.         The preparations and submittal for Owner approval of a Contractor Quality Control plan incorporating the requirements of the above.

B.        The provisions of review and certification of technical submittals shall ensure compliance with the requirements of the:
1. General Conditions of Contract Clauses:
2. Technical Provisions entitles:
a. Design Provisions.
b. Reference Codes and Standards.
c. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples.

C.        Any other requirement related to the preparation by the Contractor of technical documents.
D.        Prior to commencing work at the work site, the Contractor shall appoint a Contractor Quality Control (CQC) Manager supplemented as necessary by additional quality control personnel, who shall be on the work at all times during progress, with complete authority to take any action necessary to ensure compliance with the contract. The CQC Manager shall be appointed by a letter addressed to him and signed by an officer of the removal and replacement of any defective work. The CQC Manager shall report directly to an officer of the firm, and not the job superintendent or project manager. The CQC Manager shall have no job-related responsibilities of appointment and the qualifications of the appointed CQC Manager shall be submitted to the Owner for approval.

E.        The Contractor shall employ an Independent Testing Laboratory acceptable to the Owner and approved by the Engineer for the performance of quality control testing (soils, concrete, masonry, asphalt and welding) at the work site or location as designated Structural steel, miscellaneous metals, concrete aggregates, water concrete mix and all the materials used on the project, welding and items as identified by the Engineer at any item during the contract period. As a minimum, the laboratory

and Testing Agencies for Concrete an
authorized to operate in Saudi Arabia for on-site testing. The Contractor shall within 60 days of the effective date of the Notice to proceed submit to the Owner for approval the name, address and qualifications of the proposed Independent Testing Laboratory along with evidence of authority to operate in Saudi Arabia and qualifications of key laboratory personnel who will be responsible for testing services. All costs relating to testing shall be the responsibility of the contractor.

F.         Contractor shall submit including, but not limited to , the following Technical submittals to the engineer for approval.
1.   Quality Control Program for backfill.
2.   Concrete design mix.
3.   Quality Control Program for concrete work with test records.
4.   Concrete pouring./placement schedule.
5.   Proposal for location of construction joints and control joints.
6.   Quality assurance for structural steel,, fabrication, welding bolting and fasteners.
7.   Structural steel welders qualification record.
8.   Welding Manuals and Test Reports for non destructive testing, Materials storage and warehousing details.
9.   Establishment of sample and Mock-up room.
10. The Soil Report available is general in nature. Contractor shall utilize the services of a soil investigation agency approved by the Engineer, to perform soil investigation activities in accordance with an approved program showing the number, depth and location of bore holes/test pits. On completion of the field tests and laboratory tests by the soil investigation agency, the Contractor shall verify the shape and the character of the foundation and verify correctness of design parameters used for designing of the footings and related structures based on the building loads. In case of discrepancy Contractor has to present this fact to the engineer and redesign the foundations and related structures in accordance with the instructions of the engineer.

G.        Contractor shall provide a material testing laboratory with all equipment and facilities for performing tests as required by the engineer. The laboratory shall be provided with technical personnel to perform the tests. Site shall be equipped with materials testing laboratory. Contractor may utilize the services of an independent laboratory as approved by the Engineer.


A.        The Contractor shall furnish 5 copies of the Contractor Quality Control Plan to the Owner for approval within 60 calendar days after the effective date of the Notice to proceed. The Contractor Quality Control Plan shall detail the procedures, instructions, and reports to be used to ensure compliance with the quality provision of contract. This plan will include, as a minimum:
1.   The quality control organization in chart form, showing the relationship of the quality control organization to other elements of the firm.
2.   Names and qualifications of personnel in the quality control organization.
3.   Area of responsibility and authority of each individual in the quality control organization.
4.   Procedure (s) describing responsibilities and authorities for reviewing and certifying design and other technical submittal.
5.   Procedure for review of procurement documents for materials, items and services to ensure applicable contract, technical and quality requirements are specified.
6.   Procedure for describing selection, owner approval if applicable, and surveillance of vendors and subcontractors supplying materials, items and services.
7.   Procedure for identification, maintenance, distribution and control of all contractual documents to ensure that current, approved documents are available during construction of permanent work.
8.   Procedure describing methods of identifying, issuing and obtaining actions to correct non-conforming materials, items, and conditions.
9.   Procedure requiring calibration of all inspection and test equipment which required periodic calibration.
10. Definition of the role and responsibilities of Independent Test Laboratory.
11. Procedure defining responsibility for implementing the Owner approved inspection and test plan.
12. Acceptance of key personnel and engineers deployed by the Contractor for the design and production of shop drawings is subject to the approval of the engineer. In case an independent design office is used by the Contractor for preparation of design details, calculations, placement drawings etc. Contractor shall submit detailed documentation as required by the engineer, concerning the design agency to the engineer for approval furnishing the complete details of key personnel, Engineers etc. Contractor shall only use the agency as approved by the Engineer.

B.        Prior to submittal of Contractor Quality Control plan acceptance, the Contractor shall meet with the Owner and discuss the quality control requirements. The purpose of the meeting details of the system, including forms to be used for recording the quality control operations, inspections, tests, approvals, certifications, administration of the system, and Owner surveillance.

C.        Unless specifically authorized by the Owner on-site construction of off -site fabrication shall
ence only
after acceptance of the plan, or at least acceptance of that portion of the plan applicable to the specific feature of work.

The CQC Manager shall submit daily CQC reports to the Owner identifying prime and subcontractor activities such as work accomplished, inspections and tests conducted, results of inspection and tests, nature of defects found, causes of defection, and corrective actions
ify that this
report is complete and correct, and all materials and equipment used and work performed during this reporting period are in compliance with the drawings and specifications to the
on shall be signed for the
Contractor, and by the authorized CQC Manager.

The Contractor shall not build upon or conceal any work containing uncorrected defects. If deficiencies indicate that the CQC Program does not ensure the quality of the work undertaken by the Contractor, the Owner may direct that changes be made in the Contractor Quality Control Program or organization, including but not limited to, the removal of unsatisfactory quality control representatives at any level.

Before delivery of materials and equipment, certified copies of the reports of all tests required by the technical sections applicable codes and standards or good engineering practice shall be submitted and approved. Unless the specific items furnished were tested, test reports shall be accompanied by certifications shall be in the original and shall name the appropriate item of equipment of material, specification, standard, or other document specified as controlling the quality of that item and shall have attached thereto certified copies of test data upon which the certifications are based. All certificates shall be singed by
certificates of conformance compliance.

The Owner may, at their discretion, at any time during the life of the contract, establish work. The Contractor shall be given by the Owner sufficient written notice prior to the occurrence of the Owner hold or witness point. Associated activities shall not proceed beyond any hold point until the owner has observed the activity or has granted a written waiver of the hold point.

1.08    AUDITS
The Contractor Quality Control Plan implementation is subject to audit by the Owner.




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