Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - QUALITY CONTROL




A.         General
This section describes the quality control to be maintained in this contract.

B.         Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1- Section 1451
2- Section 1458           Testing Laboratory Services

1.02     GENERAL

A          The Contractor shall be responsible for quality control to include, but not restricted to:
with his subcontractors as approved by the Engineer. The program shall provide inspection and testing of products during fabrication and installation as he may deem necessary to ensure that work is performed in compliance with the Contract. Such inspection and testing shall be performed at no additional expense to the Owner.
2.         Inspections and testing required by the orders, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of local authorities.
3.         Employment of separate professional inspection and laboratory testing firms to provide inspection services and to supervise laboratory testing services and specified in the applicable sections of the specifications and under the review of the Engineer. Perform inspection and testing by or under the supervision of, approved testing and inspection forms only.
4.         Provision of inspection and testing instruments, and devices required to ensure proper performance of quality control.
5.         Verification by affidavits and certification that specified products meet requirements of reference standards as specified in applicable sections of the specifications.
6.         Testing, balancing, and adjusting of equipment as specified in applicable elevator, mechanical and electrical sections of the specifications.
B.                                                                                                         ames of the proposed independent laboratories to conduct the tests specified in the Contract Documents.
Laboratories associated with material suppliers will not be acceptable.


A.         Unless specifically indicated otherwise, work shall be installed plumb, level, square and straight.

B.         Unless other acceptable tolerances are specified in a section of the specifications or are otherwise required for proper functioning of equipment as determined by the manufacturer, or for functioning of site services, and mechanical and electrical systems:
3.                                             n within 1 mm under a 1 m long straight edge.


A.         Ensure that an allowance for deflection of the structure is provided so that dead and liveloads are not imposed on tops of walls and partitions.

B.         Unless otherwise indicated, provide a space for deflection of 1/800 of the span of the structural system due to live load only and as otherwise determined from structural calculations approved by the Engineer.

C.        At fire rate separation walls and partitions employ methods to provide deflection space which will ensure that integrity of the fire rating is maintained.

1.05     SITE MOCK-UP

A.         Required mock-ups are specified in applicable sections of the specifications. Additional mock-up                                     n and at no additional cost to the Owner.

B.         Locate mock-ups where directed by the Engineer unless otherwise specified.

C.        Approved mock-ups will establish the minimum acceptable quality of workmanship and will serve as the standard by which subsequent work will be judged acceptable.

D.        Resubmit mock-ups until approval is given by the Engineer. Remove mock-ups that are designated as unsuitable.

E.         Do not proceed with work until mock-up has been approved. Only work which matches approved mock-up in all respects will be acceptable for the works.

F.         Retain each approved mock-up for duration of construction of the works and protect it form damage. Remove it upon completion, or incorporate it is the works if so directed by the Engineer.

A.         Maintain continuity of quality control surveillance throughout fabrication of products and execution of work.

B.         Submit details of quality control tests and methods proposed for each section of Divisions 2 to 16, inclusive, of the specifications.

C.        Perform inspection and testing in accordance with specified reference standards, or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.

D.        Calibrate measuring and testing devices periodically against certified standard equipment. Calibration shall be verified by inspection firm.


A.         Provide a control system to ensure quality control by phased inspections as follows:
1 Preparatory Phase Inspection:
Perform inspections prior to commencement of each part of the works which shall include a review of requirements with the supervisors directly responsible for that part of the works. Such reviews shall be in the form of written statements of the processes to be followed, and critical characteristics, tests and similar evaluations which will be a part of inspection procedures. Verify that products incorporated with that part of the works have been tested and applicable submissions have made for control testing. Verify that preceding work has been completed incorporated with that part of the works conform to submission data and contract requirements and that necessary materials and equipment are readily available.
2. Continuing Inspections:
Perform inspections on a continuing basis as each part of the works commences and on a regular basis following to ensure constant compliance with contract requirements.

B.         Provide samples of materials to be tested in required quantities at locations where testing in performed.

C.        Provide labor, instruments, testing devices, facilities, and required shelter at the site:
1.         To determine ambient and material temperature by thermometers with Celsius scale.
2.         To determine relative humidity of air and moisture content of materials.
3.         To facilitate inspections and tests.
4.         For obtaining and handling of sample at site and plant.

site shall be responsible on receipt of items at the site for nothing damage suffered by them during shipment, and for directing that they be replaced.

E.         Be responsible for protection and maintaining items on the site free from damage during storage, erection, installation and maintenance.

F.         When it is discovered on inspection that work is proceeding with incorrect materials or methods. Ensure that corrections are immediately made and that improper completed work is replaced.

1.08                                                                                                     -SITE WORK

A.         Impose quality control methods at the location of manufacture, fabrication and assembly of items to be incorporated in the works to ensure that they conform to requirements of the Contract Documents. This quality control shall not apply to proprietary catalogue production products except as may be deemed necessary by the Contractor or as directed by the Engineer.

B.                                                         -site shall be responsible for the release of item for shipment to the job site.

C.        In addition, notify both Contractor and Engineer in writing at least 3 weeks in advance of packing of every batch of product components or assemblies so that the Owner and Engineer may have the opportunity, if they desire, of inspecting any such product components or assemblies prior to shipment..

D.        Acceptance of product components or assemblies prior to shipment shall not imply final acceptance under the Contract.


A.         Provide the Engineer for approval with a minimum of three copies of a schedule of quality control operations, both on-site and off-site, to outline the procedures, instructions and reports which will be used, as follows:
1.         Quality Control Organization.
2.         Qualifications of quality control personnel.
3.         Authority and responsibilities of each quality control person.
4.         Schedule of inspections and tests with personnel assigned to each task and duration of each task.
5.         Schedule of required services to be provided by inspection and testing firms.
6.         Co-ordination required between sections of the specifications in order that quality control is integrated.
7.         Test methods which will be utilized.
8.         Methods of performing and documenting quality control operations.


A.         The Contractor shall be responsible for inspection and testing required by jurisdictional authorities and for conformance to requirements of the authorities for testing methods and documentation.

B.         Provide timely notification to the Engineer of performance of inspection, and approved testing required by jurisdictional authorities so that he may observe the inspection, testing or approval.


A.         Document each test and inspection on a report and submit the report in triplicate to the Engineer.

B.         Reports shall be in a format approved by the Engineer and shall certify off-site items produced correctly for on-site work shipment, or installed correctly, as applicable. Similarly, the reports shall certify items that are defective with a statement included on corrective measures taken.

C.        Include on each report the purpose of the inspection or test, a description of methods used, observations made, and personnel involved.

D.        Maintain in a format approved by the Engineer a log of all tests performed which shall include the date of test, type of test and the results of the test.

E.         If inspection and testing procedures are subcontracted by the approved inspection and testing firm, only copies of test reports signed by the approved inspection and testing firm will be acceptable.


A.         Defective work discovered before expiration of the period of maintenance specified in the General Conditions will be rejected, whether or not it has been previously inspected.




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