Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - TEMPORARY CONTROLS




A.         General:
The environmental protection control to be maintained by the contractor.

B.         Related Work Specified Elsewhere
General Conditions of Contract.


A.         Environmental protection considerations consist of, but are not limited to, the following factors:
1.   Natural resources including air, water, and land.
2.   Solid Waste disposal.
3.   Noise.
4.   Control of toxic substances, hazardous materials and radiation.
5.   The presence of chemical, physical, and biological elements and agents that adversely effect and alter ecological balances.
6.   Degradation of the aesthetic use of the environment.
7.   Impact on daily activities such as traffic.
8.   Historical, archaeological, and cultural resources.


A.         The Contractor shall provide and maintain environmental protection defined herein.

B.                                                                                                                                 ces
and regulations pertaining to environmental protection.

C.        Compliance of subcontractors with the provisions of this and various other selections of these specifications shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

D.        The Contractor shall not use equipment from which factory-installed antipollution and noise control devices have been removed or rendered ineffective through lack of proper maintenance.


A.         It is intended that the natural resources within the project boundaries and outside the limits of permanent work performed shall be preserved in their existing condition or be restored, to an equivalent of the existing condition, as approved by the Owner, upon completion of the work. The Contractor shall confine his on Site construction activities to areas defined by the drawings and specifications.

B.         Protection of Existing Highways:
1.   Debris or rubbish of any kind shall not be dumped into or be allowed to fall onto adjacent property, or onto highways. This shall include paint spatters and spillage during painting operations. Care shall be taken to prevent damage and injury to personnel, vessels, and vehicles using highways, or pedestrian ways. Devices shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor as required to prevent such occurrences. Any material or items falling onto adjacent property or onto highways shall be promptly removed.
2.   Streets, walks, and other passageways anticipated to be closed to public access due to construction, demolition, or other related activities shall not be closed until an alternative routing plains filed and written approval given by the Owner.

C.        Land Resources:
and other construction building on public or privately owned property required temporarily in the performance of the work, if not shown on the drawings shall require approval of the Owner. The contractor shall maintain the site in conformance with applicable local statutes, ordinances, regulations, and rulings of the Owner. He shall not store unnecessary materials or equipment on the site and shall take care to prevent any structure from being loaded with a weight that will endanger its security or the safety of persons. The contractor shall not store materials or encroach upon private property without the written consent of the owners of such private property.

D.        Waterborne Hazards:
At all times, measures shall be taken to prevent oil or other hazardous substances from entering the ground, drainage areas, and local bodies of water.


A.         Temporary Protection of Erodible Soils:
1.   Such methods as necessary shall be used to effectively prevent erosion and control sedimentation.
2.   Temporary protection shall be provided on all side slopes and back slope as soon as rough grading is completed or sufficient soil is exposed to require protection to prevent erosion.


A.         Excess excavated material that is approved by the Owner as clean fill may be disposed of onsite if (1) a soil disposal area(s) has been identified on the drawings, or (2) an on Site soil disposal area is approved by the Owner. If no such site is approved, the material shall be disposed of in accordance with the provision of paragraph 1.07. In all cases the provisions of articles 1.04 and 1.05 shall apply to the on Site disposal of excavated material.

B.         Trash shall be picked up and placed in containers that shall be emptied on a regular schedule. Handling and disposal shall be so conducted as to prevent contamination of the site and other areas and shall not be disposed of in the wetlands. On completion, the area shall be left clean and natural looking.


A.         The Contractor shall transport all waste off the site and dispose of it in a manner that complies with local requirements. The contractor shall secure a permit or license prior to transporting any material off the site. Waste materials shall not be burned on the site.

B.         For construction projects located in an area where garbage collection is accomplished on a scheduled basis, the Contractor shall place garbage in an appropriate container for pickup and disposal. In areas where there is no scheduled garbage collection, the Contractor shall transport the garbage to a pickup point or disposal area approved by the Owner.

C.        Sewage shall be disposed off through connection to the existing sanitary sewage systems shown on the drawings. Where such systems are not available, chemical toilets or comparably effective units shall be used with wastes periodically emptied. Provisions shall be included for pest control and for masking or elimination of odors.

D.        Chemical waste shall be stored in corrosion resistant containers, removed form the project site, and disposed of as necessary, but not less frequently then monthly. Disposal of chemical waste shall be in accordance with standard established practices as approved by the Owner. Fuelling and lubricating of equipment and motor vehicles onsite shall be conducted in a manner that affords the maximum protection against spills and evaporation. Lubricants to be discarded, including burned oil, shall be disposed of in accordance with approved procedures meeting local regulations. For oil and hazardous materials spills that may be large enough to violate local regulations, the Owner shall be notified immediately.


A.         The Contractor should take careful note of the close proximity of adjoining buildings and their use and shall take all precautions to minimize the extent of noise during building operations. Plant of a noisy nature shall be sited away from adjoining building as far as possible and screened or covered to minimize the noise level.

B.         Should it become necessary for very noisy plant to be used at certain times the Contractor shall notify the Engineer who may direct when such plant can be operated in conjunction with the user occupation of adjoining buildings.




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