Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES




A.         General:
1.   Ascertain any site security arrangements already in operation by the Owner. Provide a project security plan for approval by the Owner to include, but not be limited to, the following:
a.   Protect work, stored products, and construction equipment from theft and vandalism.
b.   Protect premises from entry by unauthorized persons.
c.   Provide fencing including gates and locks.
2.   Protect Owner operations at sit e from theft, vandalism or damage resulting from the


A.         Initiate security program promptly after job mobilization, when enclosures fence and gates are installed.

B.         Maintain security program throughout construction period, until Owner occupancy or Owner acceptance precludes the need for Contractor security.

1.03     PERSONNEL

A.         Identification
1.   Provide identification to each person authorized to enter the Project premises, showing:
a. Personnel photograph.
b. Name of the individual and assigned number.
c. Name of Owner.
2.   Maintain a current list of people, submit a copy of the list to Owner at request.
3.   Require that identification be displayed by all persons entering, and on, the premises.

B.         Exclude from site personnel not properly identified.


A.         Provide control of all persons and vehicles entering and leaving project site.
1.   Require display of proper identification by each person.
2.   Allow no visitors except with issuance of temporary identification.
3.   Maintain log of visitors.

B.         The Owner will control deliveries and vehicles related to its own operations.


A.         Erect temporary barricades to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering construction site. Maintain the barricades for the duration of construction operations.

Fencing shall be 1800 mm high with 100 mm clearance at grade and shall be of galvanized chain-link. The fencing around the site offices shall include one double leaf vehicle gate and one pedestrian gate. Gates to be supplied complete with padlocks the specification for the temporary fencing shall be subject to the owners approval.


A.         Protect structures, utilities, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations.

B.         Disposal of Surface Water
The Contractor shall be responsible for forming all ditches, sumps, runs off and the like for disposing of natural water including the use of pumps and other apparatus necessary to prevent excavations and the Site becoming flooded or unworkable.


A.         Requirements hereinafter specified are in addition to General Conditions Clause: Damage to persons and property.

B.         Existing Surfaces and Facilities:
1.   Take positive action to protect all existing surfaces and facilities from any damage resulting from construction operations unless modifications to the surfaces of facilities are required as a part of the contract.
2.   Where modifications to existing facilities or surfaces are required, such modifications sh
3.   Protect all paving, landscaping, and utility facilities from damage caused by mobile and stationary equipment, including vehicles delivering materials to the site.
4.   Protect all finished surfaces, including jambs and soffits of all openings used as passageways through which materials are handled, against any possible damage resulting from the conduct of the work by all trades.
5.   Provide and maintain adequate protection of all adjacent structures. When required by law, or for the safety of the work, shore, brace, underpin, or otherwise protect those portions of adjacent structures which may be affected by the work. The Contractor, before commencement of any part of the work, shall give any notices required to be given to the Owner or adjoining landowner as appropriate.

C.        Utilities:
1.   Utility facilities known to the Owner are shown on the Contract Drawings. The locations of these facilities are not guaranteed, nor is there any guarantee that other utility facilities are not present. Unless otherwise specifically provided, protect utility facilities from damage and cause no interruption of service.
2.   Before commencing construction, verify the location of all utility facilities in the vicinity of the work. Submit a 1:500 scale drawing of existing utilities to the Owner showing also the outline of new construction. Prior to beginning construction affecting any utility facility, submit to the Owner for approval of plan for performing the work.

D.        New Work
1.   All finished surfaces of items shall be clean and not marred upon acceptance of the structure. Refinish all such surfaces that have been inadequately protected and are damaged.
2.   Do not permit traffic or material storage on roof surfaces. When some activity must take place on the roof in order to perform the work, provide and maintain adequate protection.
3.   The Contractor shall at all times provide and maintain adequate protection against weather so as to preserve all work, materials, equipment, apparatus and fixtures free from injury or damage.
4.   Do not load or permit any part of a structure to be loaded so as to endanger its safety.
5.   Do not use items of equipment that are intended to form a part of the completed work as construction equipment without specific approval from the Owner in each instance.

E.         Detection of Movement and Damage
1.   Conduct a pre-construction inspection of existing facilities and structures in the vicinity of the work. Document the inspection by photographs, sketches and narratives assembled into an inspection reports. The inspection shall be signed and dated by the owner/lessee of the facility or structure, indicating agreement that the report represents an accurate description of the inspection report to the Owner.
2.   Establish a system of reference points on or about any structure which may be affected by excavation performed as part of this contract. The reference points shall be sufficient to permit detection of any horizontal or vertical movement which may occur. These points shall be accurately referenced to a stable benchmark remote from the work. Make an accurate survey of the points at least weekly during excavation in the vicinity. Prior to beginning excavation, submit a plan of the movement detection system for approval by the Owner. Submit a copy of each survey of the movement detection system to the Owner within 24 hours after survey is made.

F.         Repair of Damage:
1.   As soon as possible after discovery of any damage to surfaces or facilities which are to remain in place, repair such damage. All repairs shall result in conditions equal in strength to the previous conditions. All repaired surfaces shall be identical in color and texture to the adjacent existing materials, except that where materials cannot be matched, refinish the surrounding area to give a uniform appearance acceptable to the Owner.





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