Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - SUBMITTALS




A.         General
1.   Designated Recipient Submittals:
Make submissions as specified in this Section to the Engineer designated by the
Owner, and only by the Contractor as follows:

2.   Reviewers of Submittals:
The Engineer will designate the reviewer of each submittal.

3.   Identification and Certification of Submittals:
-     Identify each submittal with contract identification, the corporate names of the Contractor, and the Subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer as may be applicable, and the date of submittal.
-     Provide on each shop drawing and sample a clear space for the review stamp and comments of reviewer and Contractor. Where a clear space cannot be provided, secure a tag to the submittal.
-     Submittals shall bear the Contractor's stamp and written certification that they have been coordinated, checked for compliance with the Contract and approved by the Contractor.

4.   Payment for Transmittal of Submittals:
The Contractor shall be responsible for payment of the costs for transmittal of submittals to the designated recipients, and the return of the submittals from the designated recipients to the Contractor.

B.         Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1-   Conditions of contract: Quality of materials and workmanship and tests
2-   Construction programs.


A.         Accompany submissions by a transmittal form provided by the Contractor in A4 size and in a format and with text suitable for the project, all as approved by the Engineer.

B.         Provide the following printed or typed information on each transmittal form:
1.   Owner's Contract Identification and number.
2.   Name of Contractor, and when appropriate the name of the Subcontractor and/or supplier or manufacturer who has prepared the submittal.
3.   Name of Contractor's employee responsible for Contractor's review.
4.   Transmittal number which shall be consecutive throughout the works.
5.   Date of submission.
6.   Number each new submission item consecutively. Add a suffix (alphabetical or numerical but of consistent type throughout the work) to submission number for each resubmission. Suffixes shall be consecutive.
7.   Number of submitted items and a description of the item.
8.   The Specifications Section number relevant to the submittal, with further reference to the paragraph number of the section if required for precise identification. Do not make submission of items from more than one Specifications Section on the same transmittal form.
9.   Drawing number, title and date of each shop drawing transmitted.
10. Parts, areas, etc. of the Works to which samples pertain and date on which sample products are scheduled for incorporation in the Works.
11. Contractor's remarks pertinent to the submittal including exceptions to or deviations from the Contract and the reasons therefore.

C.        Provide spaces on the transmittal forms for information to be inserted as designated following:
1.   Date of submittal was received by designated recipient.
2.   Date submittal is returned by designated recipient to Contractor.
3.   Number of submitted items and a description of the item.
4.   Action taken.
5.   Reviewer's remarks including major deviations from the Contract or reasons for C ACTION if there are no notes on the submission itself.

D.        Submittals which, in the reviewer's opinion, are incomplete, contain errors, or have not been checked or have been only checked superficially will be returned for resubmission without detailed review.

E.         Distribute finally reviewed shop drawings and samples to the installers and provide additional submittals to the Engineer and reviewer as directed.

A.         Failure of the Contractor to process submittals for review shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibilities under the Contract.
B.         Do not proceed with work dependent on submittals until the submittals have been verified by the Contractor, reviewed, and marked with the appropriate action. Making good work which has proceeded in error because of non-compliance with these requirements shall be at the Contractor's expense. Review of submittals shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for execution of the Works in accordance with Contract Documents.
C.        The Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for deviations from the Contract or errors of any kind in the submittals or from the necessity of furnishing work required by
the Contract which may have been omitted from the submittals marked with the appropriate Action. The review of individual items in submittals shall not be construed as a review of the complete assembly in which it functions.

D.        No authorization of an increase in Contract Sum or time shall be implied by comments marked on submittals or submittal transmittals by the reviewer.

E.         Review of submittals shall not absolve the Contractor from the responsibility of correctly locating all items in the Works. The Contractor shall pay all costs for revisions to work caused by improper location in the Works.

F.         Approval of Substitutions, Alternatives and Deviations:
Whenever and wherever the Contractor proposes to make substitutions to the specified construction method or process, or proposes the use of non-listed manufacturers, products or to deviate from the materials specified, the Contractor must make a full submission as required in the Contract Documents. The Engineer shall evaluate such proposal as provided for in this Section and forward his recommendation to the Owner for his consideration. The contractor is advised that only the Owner has the final authority to approve or reject the proposed substitutions, alternatives and/or deviations.

G.        The Contractor, not the Owner, shall be responsible for extra costs for alterations to the Works caused by discrepancies, errors or omissions in submissions irrespective of whether the submissions have been reviewed or not.


A.         Make submissions in a sequence in accordance with the needs of the construction schedule and review requirements so that progress of the Works is not impeded.

B.         Prepare and submit to the Engineer for his review a preliminary schedule of all specified and proposed submissions within the number of days stipulated in the Contract from notice to proceed.

C.        Include on schedule a brief description of each submittal for shop, composite and insert layout drawings, indicate proposed drawing title, number and scale.

D.        Indicate on schedule which Division of the Specifications governs the work included in the submission.

E.         Schedule shall allow for retention of each submittal as follows in this anticipated sequence:

:        Five working days (7 calendar days) in Engineer's office.
:        Fifteen working days (21 calendar days) in Reviewer's office.

:        Five working days (7 calendar days) in Engineer's office:
a total of 25 working days (35 calendar days). In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that sufficient time is allowed for the Engineer Review. Transmission time for submittal is not included in aforementioned period.
:        The Owner shall have fourteen (14) calendar days following submission to issue his approval in writing which shall be in addition to the submittal review schedule.

F.         Indicate on schedule, time allowed for transmittal of submittals for review, and for corrections required by reviewer's possible requests for re-submissions.

G.        Should the Engineer disagree with the submittal schedule dated, he will establish other dates necessary to maintain progress of the Works that he considers reasonable. The Contractor comply with the submittal schedule as may be amended by the Engineer and as the Engineer may further amend as construction progresses.

H.        An extension of time will not be allowed because the Contractor has failed to have submissions and re-submissions made in sufficient time to allow for processing and review.


A.         Procedures for re-submissions accompanied by transmittal forms shall be made as specified for initial submissions except that the submission and transmittal numbers and dates will differ.

B.         Indicate on submittals the revisions requested by the reviewer and any preceding revisions with resubmission dates that may have been made.

C.        Do not include an initial submission on a transmittal form for a resubmission.

D.        Do not include a group of re-submissions on the same transmittal form.

E.         Re-submissions shall be repeated by the Contractor in a timely fashion to the approval of the Engineer until the Engineer has indicated “A” Action on the submittals.


A.         Submit proposed construction schedule in a format approved by the Owner and within the time stipulated in the Contract Documents.

B.         Resubmit construction schedule to incorporate revisions that the Engineer may consider desirable and reasonable.

C.        As construction progresses, submit three copies of up-dated construction schedules each month to Engineer. Up-dated schedules shall include further revisions that the Engineer may consider desirable and reasonable.


A.         Submit shop drawings for which submission is required in other Sections of the Specifications. Include with final shop drawings detailed information, templates and installation instructions required for incorporation and connection of the work concerned.

B.         In addition to shop drawings specified in other Sections, submit shop drawings required by jurisdictional authorities in accordance with their requirements.

C.        The Contractor shall check and verify dimensions and conditions at the site as required for shop drawing preparation and when requested by the Engineer, Subcontractors or other contractors for their preparation of shop drawings. Such information shall be provided promptly to prevent delay in the Works and shall be submitted to the Engineer as a matter of record.

D.        The Contractor shall review shop drawings prior to submission to the Engineer, and he shall by stamp and signature so indicate that his review has been performed. In checking each submission, the contractor shall annotate the shop drawings with matters relative to the Works. When checking shop drawings, the Contractor shall verify all dimensions, quantities and field conditions.

E.         Indicate on each submission any deviations from the Contract Documents that have been incorporated in the shop drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for changes made from the Drawings and Specifications which are not indicated or otherwise communicated in writing with the submission.

F.         On each shop drawing, the Contractor shall indicate on the aforementioned stamp under his signature that the drawing conforms to the requirements of the Contract Documents.

G.        Incorporate only dimensional system utilized for Drawings, except where substitutes are otherwise approved. Make soft conversions from imperial system to metric, or vice versa, when required for incorporation of units of one dimensional system into construction of the other.

H.        Number shop drawings for each Section of the Specifications consecutively, and retain the numbering system for submission of all revisions.

Format, titles, drawing number, scales and extent of details shall be approved by the Engineer.

I.          Information provided on shop drawings shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
1.   Proposed methods of construction, manufacture and/or fabrication.
2.   Fabrication and erection dimensions.
3.   Erection Layout.
4.   Installation dimensions
5.   Provisions for allowable construction tolerances and deflections provided for creep and live loading.
6.   Details to indicate construction arrangements of the parts and their connections, and interconnections with other work.
7.   Location and type of anchors, and exposed fastenings.
8.   Materials and finishes.
9.   Physical dimensions of materials including thickness and gauges.
10. Schedule for reinforcement bending, equipment and other items.
11. Suppliers' catalogues, brochures, data sheets, standard drawings, specifications, and other descriptive data.
12. Diagrams of systems, equipment and controls.
13. Piping, duct and conduit systems.
14. Descriptive names of equipment.
15. Mechanical and electrical characteristics when applicable.
16. Relationships and installation details of mechanical and electrical equipment to the spaces in which they will be installed.
17. Information to verify that superimposed loads will not affect function, appearance, and safety of the work detailed as well as of interconnected work.
18. Assumed design loading, and dimensions and material specifications for load bearing members.
19. Dimensions and dimensioned locations of proposed chases, sleeves, cuts, and holes in structural members.

J.         Submit three print copy of shop drawing to the engineer who will perform reviewing.

K.         Six copies of brochures, engineering data sheets, catalogue cuts and standard diagrams may be substituted for shop drawings where applicable. Provide additional copies if requested by the Engineer.

L.         Do not add new details or information to shop drawings after they have been finally reviewed, except when specific approval is solicited and is given. Follow submission procedures as specified for drawings, but presentation may be made in letter form.

M.        Fabricate work exactly as shown on shop drawings. If shop practice dictates revisions, revise drawings and resubmit.

N.        File one reproducible copy of each finally revised and corrected shop drawing at site.
O.        Shop Drawing Review:
1.   Shop drawing review is for the sole purpose of ascertaining general conformance with the design concept. This review shall not mean that reviewer and Engineer warrant or represent that the information contained on the shop drawings is either accurate or complete, responsibility for which shall remain with the Contractor submitting same, and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of his responsibility for meeting design, details and all other requirements of the Contract Documents.
2.   The Contractor is responsible for confirmation and co-relation of dimensions at the job site, for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation, and for total coordination of the Works.
3.   The Contractor shall not be awarded any extra time or compensation for modifications required to design drawings as a result of coordination and other modifications required during the course of the work.


A.         The Contractor shall coordinate the shop drawings prepared by one section with the requirements of other sections before shop drawings are submitted for review to ensure the proper and complete installation of all parts of the works.

B.         Prepare interference and equipment placing drawings to ensure that all components will be properly accommodated within the space provided.

C.        Prepare drawings to indicate coordination and methods of installation of a system with other systems where their relationship is critical. Ensure that all details of equipment, apparatus, and connections are coordinated.

D.        Ensure that clearance required by jurisdictional authorities and for proper maintenance are indicated on drawings.

E.         In addition to specified shop drawings, the Contractor shall prepare composite shop drawings showing coordination of the architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical work to ensure its proper, integrated and complete installation. Prepare composite shop drawings to show dimensions, architectural and structural details, ductwork, piping, conduit, equipment, fixtures and other installations to ensure adequate clearances for installation and servicing. Prepare composite shop drawings at a scale consistent with requirements and clarity but in no instance at less than 1:100 scale, or as required by the engineer.

F.         Review composite shop drawings with all parties affected by the drawings at a meeting arranged by the Contractor. Each Section shall indicate the extent of his work on the composite shop drawing and shall indicate his approval by signing the reproducible of the drawing. The Contractor shall distribute approved composite shop drawings to the Engineer and to each concerned party and other contractors for their information.

G.        Submit coordination and composite shop drawings to the Engineer for review only in cases where conflicts affect the intent of the Contract Documents. Procedures and conditions specified following for shop drawings shall also apply to coordination and composite shop drawings.

H.        Submit shop drawings for each Section following distribution of composite shop drawings.

I.          Distribute coordination and composite shop drawings well in advance of fabrication and installation of work affected. Place no orders for affected equipment without submission of coordination Drawings to the supplier.


A.         Submit insert and sleeve location drawings for the Engineer's information only where inserts and sleeves are required for installation of work. The Engineer may additionally request insert and sleeve location drawings for his review.

B.         Indicate on location drawings the location and size of inserts, sleeves, anchor bolts, openings and miscellaneous items to be incorporated in the Works.

C.        Show type, size, load capacity, and working load which will be imposed on each insert and anchor bolt. Provide a capacity: working load safety factor ratio of 5:1 or better.

D.        Submit insert and sleeve location drawings well in advance of construction of work incorporating the applicable built-in work.

E.         The Contractor shall be responsible for final coordination of all insert and sleeve locations required to complete the Works.


A.         The Contractor shall include in the Contract the cost of reproducing shop drawings, and coordination and composite shop drawings required by submission procedures.

1.11     SAMPLES

A.         Submit samples for which submission requirement is specified in other Sections of the Specifications.

B.         For each submission, unless otherwise approved, submit six samples of adequate size to represent the material in its intended use in the works.

C.        The Engineer will receive samples, perform a preliminary review, acknowledge such review, and return samples to the Contractor for his transmittal to the reviewer. The Engineer will also transmit samples to Owner if necessary. The reviewer will review and communicate his approval or disapproval, as the case may be, to the Owner’s. The Engineer will advise the Contractor accordingly.

D.        Submit all interior finish samples at the same time to facilitate coordinated review of colors and finishes. Review will not commence until all samples are received.

E.         Where both sample and shop drawing review is required at the same time, one will not be reviewed without the receipt of the other.

F.         Store duplicates of all submitted samples at the site.

G.        Samples shall represent material composition, color, texture, natural markings, and other physical qualities. Submit an extreme range of samples when the degree of marking of color cannot be represented by a single sample.

H.        Submit samples in labeled containers wherever possible.

I.          Label samples with Contract identification and number, Contractor, Subcontractor, and date.

J.         Approved samples shall serve as a model against which the products incorporated in the Works shall be judged.

K.         Each product incorporated in works shall be precisely the same in all details as the approved sample.

L.         Should any change of material, colour, texture, finish, dimensions, performance, function, operation, construction, joining, fastening, fabrication techniques, service characteristics, and other qualities be made to a product after approval has been given, submit for approval of the revised characteristics in writing and resubmit samples of the product for approval if requested.


A.         Submit list of Subcontractors for the works to include.
1.         Legal corporate name of the Subcontractor with head office address, and telephone and fax or telex numbers.
2.         Legal corporate name of the Subcontractor’s Saudi Arabian representative with address, and telephone and fax or telex numbers.
3.         Description of Subcontractor’s work.
4.         Certificate of experience and provisions work history.

B.         Submit a list of products to be supplied for the works to include.
1.         Type and description of product.
2.         Trade name of product.
3.         Origin of product.
4.         Standard to which product conforms.
5.         Manufacturer of product with head office address, and telephone and fax or telex numbers.
6.         Saudi Arabian representative of manufacturer with address, and telephone and fax or telex numbers.

C.        Submit manufacturer’s printed instructions, specifications, recommendations and complete information concerning proprietary products incorporated in the works.


A.         Submit affidavits which may be required when a product substitution is proposed, or when proof of compliance to reference standards is made, or as may be specified in other sections of the Specifications.

B.         Affidavits shall verify that products and/or methods meet requirements specified in the Contract documents, and shall include test reports of approved testing laboratories to validate claims contained in affidavit.
C.        Submit affidavits in duplicate and with notarized signature by a responsible officer of the certifying company.


A.         Submission requirements for quality control reports is specified in Section 01400.


A.         Video Record:
Video Photography, recorded on VHS format, shall show the general extent of the works, form both interior and exterior views. The video monthly record shall include coverage of each and every activity that is requested by the Engineer. A comprehensive commentary shall accompany the visual display.

B.         Photographic Record

1.         Work shall include progress photographs of construction taken form interior and exterior viewpoints by a professional photographer. Take a photograph from each viewpoint depending on number of photographs as required by the Owner.
2.         Photographs shall show general extent of the works by both exterior and interior views. Each viewpoint will be selected, and the number of monthly repetitive photographs taken from exactly the same viewpoint decided by the Engineer.

3.         Submit eight 200mm x 254mm glossy colour prints of each photograph to Engineer at the first of each month.

4.         Title each photograph at the bottom so that nothing pertinent is blocked out.Include on title: project name, Contractor’s name, direction of view, and date when taken.




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