Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA



1.01                DESCRIPTION

A.                    General
Submit shop drawings and product data required by contract documents.

B.                    Related Work Specified Elsewhere
1.         Conditions of the Contract: Quality of materials and workmanship and tests.
2.         Section 01320:         Construction Programs.
Designate in the construction program, or in a separate coordinated schedule, the dates for submission and the dates that reviewed shop drawings, product data and samples will be needed.

1.02                SHOP DRAWINGS

Layouts, schematics, descriptive literature, illustrations, schedules, performance and test data, and similar materials furnished by the Contractor to explain in detail specific portions of the work.

B.                    Within 30 calendar days of receipt of Notice to proceed, submit to the Owner a program of shop drawings submissions.

C.                    Drawings shall be presented in a clear and through manner.

D.                    Details shall be identified by reference to sheet and details, schedule or room numbers shown on contract drawings.

E.                    Minimum sheet size: A3

1.03                PRODUCT DATA

A.                    Preparation
1.         Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products or models.
2.         Show performance characteristics and capacities.
3.         Show dimensions and clearances required.
4.         Show wiring or piping diagrams and controls.

1.         Modify drawings and diagrams to delete information which is not applicable to the work.
2.         Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the work.


A.                    Review shop drawings, product data and samples prior to submission.

B.                    Determine and verify:
1.         Site measurements.
2.         Site construction criteria.
3.         Catalogue numbers and similar data.
4.         Conformance with specifications.

C.                    Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents.

D.                    Begin no fabrication or work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Engineer approval.

E.                    If material or equipment is installed before it is approved, the Contractor shall be liable for its removal and replacement at no extra charge to the Owner; if, in the opinion of the Engineer the material or equipment does not meet the intent of the drawings and specifications.


A.                    Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the work or in the work of any other Contractor.

1.06                DISTRIBUTION

A.                    Distribute reproductions of Shop Drawings and copies of product data which carry the Engineer stamp of approval to:
1.         Job site file.
2.         Record documents file.
3.         Subcontractors.
4.         Supplier or fabricator.

B.                    Distribute samples, which carry the Engineer, stamp or approval as directed by the Consultant.

1.07                ENGINEER

A.                    Review submittals with reasonable promptness and in accord with schedule.

B.                    Affix stamp and initials or signature, and indicate requirements for re-submittal, or approval of submittal.

C.                    Return submittals to Contractor for distribution, or for re-submission.


A.                    Acceptance of key personnel and Engineers deployed by the Contractor for the design and production of shop drawings is subject to the approval of the Engineer.

B.                    In case an independent design office is used by the Contractor for preparation of design details, calculations, placement drawings etc. Contractor shall submit detailed documentation as required by the Engineer, concerning the design agency to the Engineer for approval furnishing the complete details of key personnel, Engineers etc. Contractor shall only use the agency as approved by the Engineer.

performance, or a representative of the design office shall always be available at site office of the Contractor with an update status of drawings to update the Engineer on the status and submission schedule of submittals.




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