Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - REFERENCES & TERMINOLIGIES




A.         General:
Unit of measurements, terminology, organization and standard.

B.         Related Work Specified Elsewhere:
Conditions of contract

A (Amp)                      Ampere(s), Area
ACFM                         Actual CFM
AIC                              Amps Interrupting Capacity
AFF                             Above Finish Floor
AWG                           American Wire Gauge

BF                               Board Foot (Feet)
BHP                            Brake Horsepower
BUR                            Built Up Roofing
BTU                             British Thermal Unit
BTUH                          British Thermal Unit per Hour

C Value                       Thermal Conductance (BTU/(HR)(SF)(F) per Inch Thickness
C                                 Centigrade
CC                               Cubic Centimeter
CCM/SEC                   Cubic Centimeter per Second
CF                               Cubic Feet
CFH                            Cubic Feet per Hour
CFM                            Cubic Feet per Minute
CM                              Centimeter(s)
CMU                           Concrete Masonry Unit
CM/SEC                     Centimeter(s) per Second
CPS                            Cycle(s) per Second
CU                               Cubic
CU FT                         Cubic Feet
CU IN                          Cubic Inch(s)
CU M                          Cubic Meter(s)
CY                               Cubic Yard(s)

Db                               Decibel(s)
DbmV                          Decibel Millivolts
DEG                            Degree(s) (Angular)
deg C                          Degree(s) Centigrade
deg F                           Degree(s) Fahrenheit

EDR                            Equivalent Direct Radiation

F                                  Fahrenheit
FBM                            Board Measure
FPM                            Feet per Minute
FPS                             Feet per Second
FT                                Feet, Foot
FV                               Face Velocity

G                                 Gram(s)
GA, ga                         Gage, Gauge
GAL                             Gallon(s)
GAL/SF                       Gallon(s) per Square Foot
GPH                            Gallon(s) per Hour
GPM                           Gallon(s) per Minute
GPS                            Gallon(s) per Second
GHZ                            Gigahertz
GR                              Grains

HD                               Head
HP                               Horsepower
HR                               Hour(s)
Hz                                Hertz

IN                                Inch(es)
IN-Hg                          Inches- Mercury
IN-LB                           Inch-pounds (Force)
IN-WG                         Inch- Water Gage

K                                  Kip(s)
K Value                       Thermal Conductivity (BTU/(HR)(SF)(F/IN)
KG                               Kilogram(s)
KHz                             Kilohertz
KPa                             Kilopascal(s)
KSM                            Kilogram(s) per Square Meter
KV                               Kilovolt(s)
KVA                             Kilovolt Ampere(s)
KVAR                          Kilovars
KW                              Kilowatt(s)
KWH                           Kilowatt-Hours
L                                  Liter(s), Length
LB                                Pound(s)
LBF-IN                        Pound (Force) Inch
LF                                Linear Foot, Linear Feet
LIN                              Linear, Lineal
LL                                Lead Lined
LM                               Linear Meter(s)
L/M                              Liter(s) per Meter

M                                 Meter
mA                              Milliamps
MBTU                         Thousand BTU
MBH                            Thousand BTU per Hour
MCFH                         Thousand Cubic Feet per Hour
MCM                           Thousand Circular Mils
MFBM                         Thousand Feet Board Measure
MHz                            Megahertz
mHz                            Millihertz
MI                                Mile(s)
MIN, min.                    Minute(s), Minimum
Ml                                Milliliter
MM, mm                     Millimeter(s)
MO                              Month(s)
MPH                            Miles per Hour
MVA                            Megavoltamperes

OZ                               Ounce(s)

PCE                            Pyrometric Cone Equivalent
PCF                             Pound(s) per Cubic Foot
PPH                            Pounds per Hour
PPM                            Parts per Million
PSF                             Pound(s) per Square Foot
PSI                              Pound(s) per Square Inch
PSIA                            Pound(s) per Square Inch Absolute
PSIG                           Pound(s) per Square Inch Gage

Q                                 Total Heat Transfer (BTUH)
QT                               Quart

RH                               Relative Humidity
R Value                       Thermal Resistance(HR)(SF)(F)/BTU
RMS                            Root Mean Square
RPM                            Revolutions per Minute
RPS                            Revolutions per Second

S                                  Second
SCFM                         Standard CFM
SF                               Square Foot, Square Feet
SM                              Square Meter(s)
SQ CM                        Square Centimeter(s)
SQ IN                          Square Inch
SQUARE                    Square(Roofing)=100 SF of Surface
SSU                            Saybolt Seconds Universal
SYM                            Symmetrical

T, TR                           Tons Refrigeration

U Value                       Thermal Conductance(1 divided by total Rvalue) (BTU)
uV                                Microvolts

V                                  Volt(s), Volume, Velocity
VAC                            Volt(s), AC
VDC                            Volt(s), DC

W                                 Watt(s)

YD                               yard(s)
YR                               Year(s)

&                                  And
A                                  Astragal, Acid, Compressed Air
@, a                            at
AB                               Anchor Bolt
A/C                              Air Condition, Air Conditioner
AC                               Air Compressor, Alternating Current
ACL                             Across the Line
ACLD                          Air Cooled
ACOUS                       Acoustical
ACSR                          Aluminum Conduit or Steel Reinforced
ACU                            Air Conditioning Unit
AD                               Area Drain, Automatic Damper
ADDL                          Additional
ADH                            Adhesive
ADJ                             Adjust, Adjustable
ADMIN                        Administration
A/E                              Architect/Engineer
AFF                             Above Finished Floor
AFG                            Above Finished Grade
AGGR                         Aggregate
AHU                            Air Handling Unit
AL                                Aluminum
ALT                             Alternate, Altitude
AM                              Amplitude Modulation, Ammeter
AMB                            Ambient
ANG                            Angle
AMP                            Amplifier
ANOD                         Anodized
ANN                            Annunciator
ANS                            Automatic Answer and Recall Switch
ANT                             Antenna
AP                               Access Panel
APC                            Acoustical Plaster Ceiling
APD                            Air Pressure Drop
APPAR                       Apparatus
APPROX                    Approximate
APP                             Appendix
APX                             Approximate
ART                             Article
ASPH                          Asphalt
ASST                          Assistant
ASSY                          Assembly
AT                               Autotransformer
ATC                             Acoustical Tile Ceiling
ATF                             Athletic Flooring
ATS                             Automatic Transfer Switch
ATM                            Atmosphere
AUTO                          Automatic
AUX                            Auxiliary
AV                               Avenue, Acid Vent
AVG                            Average
AW                              Acid Waste
AWG                           American Wire Gauge

B                                  Base, Boiler, Blank, Bottom
BB                               Base Board
BBD                            Boiler Blowdown
B to B                          Back to Back
B & B                           Balled and Burlapped
BAL                             Balance
BAR                            Barrier
BARO                         Barometer
BAS                             Building Automation System
BAT                             Batten
B/C                              Bottom of Caisson
BCCMP                      Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Pipe
BD                               Board
BDD                            Backdraft Damper
BHC                            Booster Heating Coil
BITUM                        Bituminous
BKR                            Breaker
BKT                             Bracket
BL                                Base Line
BLDG                          Building
BLKG                          Blocking
BM                              Beam
BOT                            Bottom
BP                               Base Plate
BR                               Bare Root, Bed Room
BRG                            Bearing
BRZ                             Bronze
BS                               Barium Sink
BSMT                          Basement
BT                               Bathtub
BUR                            Built-up Roof
BUSY                          In-use
BW                              Both Ways
BWS                            Brine Water Supply
BWR                           Brine Water Return

CAD                            Cadmium
C to C                          Center to Center
CA                               Cold Air
CAB                            Cabinet
CALL                           Incoming Call
CANT                          Cantilever
CATV                          Community Antenna Television
CB                               Chalk Board, Circuit Breaker
CC                               Cooling Coil
CCB                            Concrete Blocks, Concrete Masonry Unit
CCF                            Concrete Floor
CCT                            Cubical Curtain Track
CCTV                          Closed Circuit Television
CCW                           Counter Clockwise
CD                               Ceiling Diffuser, Condensate Drain
CDBD                         Cardboard
CE                               Cantilevered End
CEM                            Cement
CG                              Container Grown, Corner Guard
CGU                            Ceramic Glazed Units
CH                               Chiller
CHAM                         Chamfer
CHW                           Chilled Drinking Water
CI                                Cast Iron
CIP                              Cast Iron Pipe, Cast in Place
CIR                              Circle
CJ                               Construction Joint, Control Joint
CKS                            Control Key Switch
CKT                             Circuit
CL                               Center Line, Clearance
CLG                            Ceiling, Cooling
CLKG                          Calking, Caulking
CLO                            Closet
CM                              Construction Manager
CMP                            Corrugated Metal Pipe
CMPR                         Compressor
CMT                            Ceramic Mosaic Tile
CMU                           Concrete Masonry Unit
CDN, C                       Conduit
CO                              Clean Out, Carbon Monoxide
CO2                            Carbon Dioxide
COL                            Column
COM                           Common
COMP                         Composite, Computers
COMPR                      Compressible
CONC                         Concrete
COND                         Condition, Condenser, Condensing, Condensation
CONN                         Connection
CONST                       Construction
CONT                         Continuous
CONTR                       Contractor
COP, CU                    Copper
CORR                         Corridor
CPD                            Condensate Pump Discharge
CPE                            Chlorinated Polyethylene (Roofing)
CPR                            Change Proposal Request
CPT                             Carpet
CPU                            Central Processor Unit
CPVC                          Chlorinated Poly(vinyl chloride)
CR                               Control Room
CRF                            Condensation Resistance Factor
CRIT                           Critical
CRT/CT                      Cathode Ray Tube
CSI                              Current Source Inverters
CSMT                         Casement
CSPE                          Chlorosulphated Polyethylene(Roofing)
CSS                            Clinical Service Sink
CSV                            Resilient Sheet Flooring(Cushioned, vinyl)
CT                               Ceramic Tile, Cooling Tower, Current Transformer
CTB                             Ceramic Mosaic Tile Base
CTD                            Coated
CTR                            Center, Cooling Tower Return, Controlled Time Run
CTS                             Cooling Tower Supply
CU                               Condensing Unit
CUH                            Cabinet Unit Heater
CULV                          Culvert
CURT                          Curtain
CW                              Cold Water, Clockwise
CWS                           Chilled Water Supply
CWR                           Chilled Water Return

D                                 Delta
DB                               Dry Bulb
DBA                            Deformed Bar Anchor
DBL                             Double
DBT                             Dry Bulb Temperature
DC                               Direct Current
DDC                            Direct Digital Control
DEM                            Demolition, Demolish
DEPT                          Department
DET                             Detail
DF                               Drinking Fountain
DI                                Deionized Water
DIA, D                         Diameter
DIAG                           Diagonal
D.I.C.                           Difference in Conditions Contract
DIFF                            Difference
DIM                             Dimension
DISP                           Dispenser
DIP                              Ductile Iron Pipe
DIST                            Distribution, Distilled
DIWI                            Double-inlet, Double-width
DL                               Dead Load
DN                               Down
DP                               Dampproofing, Data Processing, Double,
Differential Pressure, Dew Point
DPA                            Damper Position Adjustment
DPS                            Door Position Switch
DR                               Drain, Doctor's Register
DS                               Downspout
DT                               Dew Point Temperature, Drain Tile
DTS                             Data Transmission System
DW                              Display Wall
DWG                           Drawing
DWH                           Domestic Water Heater
DWL                            Dowel
DWR                           Drawer
DWV                           Drain, Waste and Vent
DX                               Direct Expansion

E                                  East
E SCAN                      Emergency Medical Status Scan Switch
EA                               Exhaust Air, Expansion Anchor, Each
EAT                             Entering Air Temperature
EE                               Each End
EEG                            Electro Ecephalograph
EF                               Each Face, Exhaust Fan
EFF                             Efficiency
EGS                            Ethylene Glycol Supply
EGR                            Ethylene Glycol Return
EIFS                            Exterior Insulation Finish System
EJ                                Expansion Joint
EJC                             Expansion Joint Cover
EKG                            Electro Cardiograph
EL                                Elevation
ELEC                          Electric, Electrical
ELEV                           Elevator
EMB                            Embedded
EMER                         Emergency
EM (1)                         Electro-magnetic(interference)
EMM                           Expanded Metal Mesh
EMS                            Energy Management System
EMT                            Electrical Metallic Tubing
ENG                            Engine
ENGR                         Engineer
ENR                            Engineering News Record
ENTR                          Entrance
EO                               Exit Only
EPDM                         Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer
EPR                            Ethylene Propylene Rubber
EPT                             Electric Power Transfer
EQ                               Equal
EQUIP                        Equipment
ER                               Emergency Room
E.S.                             Each Side
ES                               Emergency Shower
ESR                            Elastic Sheet Roofing
EST                             Estimate
ET                               Expansion Tank
ETB                             Exterior Top Bar
EVT                             Equiviscuous Temperature
EW                              Each Way
EWC                           Electric Water Cooler
EWT                            Entering Water Temperature
EXC                            Excavate
EXH                            Exhaust
EXP                             Expansion, Exposed
EXST                          Existing
EXT                             Exterior
F                                  Filters, Fire, Fahrenheit
F to F                           Face to Face
FA                               Fire Alarm, Face Area
FCAN                          Full Capacity Above Nominal
FCBN                          Full Capacity Below Nominal
FCS                             Fire Command Station
FCU                            Fan Coil Unit
FD                               Fire Damper, Floor Drain
FDN                            Foundation
FDV                             Fire Department Valve
FE                               Fire Extinguisher
FEC                             Fire Extinguisher Cabinet
FEM                            Female
FF                                Final Filter
FH                               Fire Hose
FHC                            Fire Hose Cabinet
FHV                             Fire Hose Valve
FL                                Floor, Flush
FLA                             Full Load Amps
FLEX                           Flexible
FLG                             Flooring
FLUOR                       Fluorescent
FM                               Frequency Modulation Radio
FOF                             Fuel Oil Fill
FOR                            Fuel Oil Return
FOS                            Fuel Oil Supply
FOV                            Fuel Oil Vent
FP                               Full Penetration
FR                               Fire Retardant
FRK                             Foil Reinforced Kraft
FRP                             Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic
FS                               Far Side
FTG                             Footing
FURN                          Furnish
FU                               Furnace Unit
FUT                             Future
FV                               Field Verify
FVC                             Fire Valve Cabinet
FW                              Flammable Waste
FWC                            Fabric Wall Covering
FXTR                          Fixture
G                                 Gas
GA                               Gauge, Gage
GALV                          Galvanize(d)
G.C.                            Glazed Coating
GC                              General Contractor
GCWR                        Glycol Chilled Water Return
GCWS                        Glycol Chilled Water Supply
GEN                            Generator
G.F.                             Granular Fill
GFI                              Ground Fault Interrupter
GFP                            Ground Fault Protector
GFCI                           Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
GFRC                         Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
GFRG                         Glass Fiber Reinforced Gypsum
GI                                Galvanized Iron
GL                               Glass
GR                              Grade
GRD/GND                  Ground
GRF                            Glass Fiber Reinforced Fabrications
GSB                            Gypsum Sheathing Board
GWB                           Gypsum Wallboard
GWS                           Glycol Water Supply
GWR                           Glycol Water Return
GYP                            Gypsum
H                                 Humidifier, Height
HA                               Hot Air
H2O                            Water
HB                               Hose Bib
HC                               Handicapped, Heating Coil
HCWS                         Hot Chilled Water Supply
HCWR                        Hot Chilled Water Return
HDWD                        Hardwood
HDWE                         Hardware
HG                              Mercury
HID                              High Intensity Discharge
HK                               Hook
H.M.                            Hollow Metal
HORIZ                        Horizontal
HOSP                         Hospital Grade
HP                               Heat Pump, Horsepower
HPS                            High Pressure Sodium, High Pressure Steam Supply
HPR                            High Pressure Steam Return
HR                               Handrail, Hour
H-STAT                       Humidistat
HS                               Headed Studs, High Strength
HT                               Heat
HTG                            Heating
HTR                            Heater
HV                               High Voltage
HVAC                          Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning
HW                              Hardware, Hot Water
HWC                           Hot Water Circulating
HWS                           Hot Water Supply
HWR                           Hot Water Return
HX                               Heat Exchanger
HZ                               Hertz
IC                                Intercom
ID                                Inside Diameter
IH                                Intake Head
IMC                             Intermediate Metal Conduit
INSL                            Insulation
INWC                          Inches Water Column
I/O                               Input/Output
IPS                              Iron Pipe Size
IS                                 Inside Face
ITB                              Interior Top Bar
IU                                Induction Unit
IV(T)                            Intravenous(Track)
IWR                             Ice Water Return
IWS                             Ice Water Supply

JC                               Janitor's Closet

K                                  Knob
KO                               Knockout

L                                  Louver, Lavatory, Length, Lever
LAT                             Leaving Air Temperature
LD                               Linear Diffuser
LE                                Left End
LED                             Light Emitting Diode
LIM                              Line Isolation Monitor
LIN                              Linear, Lineal
LL                                Live Load
LLH                             Long Leg Horizontal
LLV                              Long Leg Vertical
LONG                         Longitude
LPR                             Low Pressure Steam Return
LPS                             Low Pressure Steam Supply
LR                               Linear Return
LRA                             Locked Rotor Amps
LS                                Life Safety/Support
LSH                             Long Slotted Holes
LSS                             Lock Status Switch
LV                                Low Voltage
LW                               Light Weight
LWT                            Leaving Water Temperature

M                                 Meter
MA                              Mixed Air
MACH                         Machine
MAS                            Masonry
MATV                          Master Antennae Television
MAX                            Maximum
MB                              Main Breaker, Marker board
MBH                            Thousand BTU
MCB                            Metal Corner Bead
MCC                           Motor Control Center
MCM                           Thousand Circular Mills
MCP                            Motor Circuit Protector
MD                              Manual Damper, Motion Detector
MECH                         Mechanical
MED                            Medicine, Medical
MED RCDS                Medical Records
MEK                            Methylethyl Keton
MERC                         Mercury
MEZZ                          Mezzanine
MFD                            Manufactured
MFG                            Manufacturing
MFR                            Manufacturer
MGA                           Medical Gas Alarm
MH                              Manhole, metal Halide
MIN                             Minimum
MISC                           Miscellaneous
MLDG                         Molding
MLO                            Main Lugs Only
MO                              Masonry Opening
MOD                           Modification, Modify
MPS                            Medium Pressure Steam Supply
MPR                            Medium Pressure Steam Return
MRGWB                     Moisture Resistant Gypsum Wallboard
MS                              Mop Sink, Motion Sensor
MSG                           Message
MTD                            Mounted
MTG                            Mounting
MTL                             Material
MULL                          Mullion
MVA                            Mega-Voltamperes
MWP                           Metal Wall Panel
N                                 North, Nitrogen
NAT                             Natural
NATL                           National
NC                               Nurse Call, Normally Closed
NDF                            Nondirectional Fissured
NDT                            Nondestructive Testing
NEC                            National Electrical Code
NEG                            Negative
NI                                Nickel
NIC                              Non In Contract
NP                               Non Plenum
NPO                            Non Plenum Office
NO                              Number, Normally Open, Nitrous Oxide
NOM                           Nominal
NORM                        Normal
NR                               Noise Reduction
NRC                            Noise Reduction Coefficient
N.S.                             Near Side
NTS                             Not to Scale

O                                 Oxygen
OA                               Outside Air
OC                              On Center, Overcurrent
OD                              Outside Diameter, Outdoor
ODP'S                         Ozone Depletion Potential's
OF                               Outside Face
OPNG                         Opening
OPP                            Opposite
OPT                            Operators Terminal
OX                               Oxygen
P                                  Pole, Pump, Plenum
P SCAN                      Personal Attention Medical Status Scan
PA                               Public Address
PB                               Pegboard, Push Button
PBX                             Private Board Exchange
PC                               Plug Connector
PD                               Pressure Drop
PE                               Polyethylene
PERF                          Perforate(d)
PERM                         Permanent
PF                               Prefilter, Power Factor
PFCC                          Power Factor Correction Capacitor(s)
PFF                             Provision for Future Feeder
PH                               Phase
PH                               Chemical Symbol for Measure of Acidity/Alkalinity
PH/O                           Phase
PHC                            Preheat Coil
PID                              Proportional-Integral-Derivative
PIF                              Pressure Injected Footings
PIV                              Post Indicator Valve
PL                                Property Line, Plate, Pilot Light, Plastic Laminate
PLAS                           Plaster
PLBG                          Plumbing
PLS                             Pure Live Seed
PNT                             Paint
POL                             Polish(ed)
PP                               Partial Penetration
PPM                            Parts per Million
PR                               Pair
PREFAB                     Prefabricated
PRL                             Parallel
PROJ                          Project, Projection
PROP                         Property
PROT                          Protective, Protection
PRT/PT                       Printer
PRV                            Pressure Reducing Valve
PS                               Plaster Sink; Projection Screen; Presence Sensor
PT                               Pneumatic Tube, Potential Transformers
PTD                             Painted
PTN                             Partition
PTS                             Pneumatic Tube Station
PVC                            Poly(vinyl chloride)
PVF                             Polyvinyl Fluoride
PVMT                          Pavement
PVS                             Polyvinyl Spiral (pipe)
PWD                           Plywood
PWM                           Pulse Width Modulated

QT                               Quarry Tile
QTB                            Quarry Tile Base
QUAL                          Quality

R                                 Radius, Rankine
RA                               Return Air
RAD                            Radiology
RB                               Resilient Base
RBR                            Rubber Flooring
RCCP                         Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe
RCP                            Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RCPT                          Receptacle
RCV                            Receive
RD                               Roof Drain, Road
RE                               Right End
REC                            Recess, Receiver
RECIRC                      Recirculate
REF                             Refer, Reference
REFR                          Refrigerator
REINF                         Reinforce
REL A                         Relief Air
REM                            Remainder, Reminder Light Set and Scan Switch
REQD                         Required
RESIL                         Resilient
REV                            Revise, Revision, Reversing, Revolution
RF                               Return Fan
RFG                            Roofing
RF(I)                            Radio Frequency(Interference)
RGS(C)                       Rigid Galvanized Steel (Conduit)
RH                               Relative Humidity
RHD                            Relief Hood
RL                               Refrigerant Liquid, Roof Drain Leader
RM                              Room
RO                              Rough Opening, Reverse Osmosis Water
RR                               Rail Road
RS                               Refrigerant Suction
RST                             Resilient Stair Tread
RTI                              Response Time Index
RTP                             Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic
RTV                             Room Temperature Vulcanized (Silicone Firestopping Foam)
RV                               Reduced Voltage, Relief Vent
RVT                             Resilient Vinyl Tile
R/W                             Right-of-Way
RW                              Return Wall Register
RY                               Railway

S                                  Sink, South, Single, Soil (Piping), Sprinkler (Piping)
S2S                             Surfaced, 2 Sides
S4S                             Surfaced, 4 Sides
SA                               Shock Absorber, Supply Air, Sound Attenuator
SALV                           Salvage
SAN                            Sanitary
SAT                             Saturation
SB                               Sitz Bath
SC                               Sill Cock, Shading Coefficient
SCH                            Schedule
SCR                            Silicone Controlled Rectifier
SCW                           Soft Cold Water
SD                               Shower Drain, Smoke Damper, Shower Door, Storm Drain,
Sensing Devise
SDOT                          Star-Delta-Open Transition
SDCT                          Star-Delta-Closed Transition
SECT                          Section
SECY                          Secretary
SF                               Supply Fan, Square Foot
SFD                             Smoke Actuated Fire Damper
SGL Single
SH                               Shower, Sensible Heat
SHW                           Soft Hot Water
SIM                             Similar
SIWI                            Single-inlet, Single-width
SL                                Sliding, Sea Level
SLV                             Sleeve
S/N                              Solid Neutral
SOL                             Solar
SP                               Standpipe, Sump Pump, Static Pressure, Single Pole
SPA                             Spaces, Setpoint Adjustment
SPD                            Standpipe Drain
SPEC                          Specification
SPKR                          Sprinkler
SPS                             Security Push-button Switch
SQ                               Square
SR                               Sheet Rubber, Silver Recovery
SRV                            Safety Relief Valve
SS                               Service Sink, Sanitary Sewer, Stainless Steel
SSL                             Short Slotted Holes
SSS                             Surgeons' Scrub Sink, Solid Stater Starter
SST                             Stainless Steel Sink
ST                               Steam Trap, Street
STA                             Station, Stationary
START                        Starter
STC                             Sound Transmission Class
STD                             Standard
STDWT                       Standard Weight
STIFF                          Stiffener
STOR                          Storage
STRUC                       Structural
SURF                          Surface
SUSP                          Suspend(ed)
SV                               Sheet Vinyl
SV(N.S.)                     Sheet Vinyl (Non-slip)
SVWA                         Sheet Vinyl Wall Covering
SW                              Supply Wall Grille, Switch, Soft Water
SWBD                         Switchboard
SX                               Steam Exhaust
SYM                            Symbol, Symmetrical
SYS                             System

T                                  Toilet, Throw, Top, Tank, Temperature
T & B                           Testing and Balancing
T & G                          Tongue and Groove
TA                               Tempered Air, Transfer Air, Toilet Accessories
TB                               Tackboard
TBC                             Tackboards, Natural Cork
TBP                             Tackboards, Plastic
TD                               Temperature Differential
TDC                            Transverse Duct Connection
TEFC                          Totally Enclosed Fan-cooled
TEL                             Telephone
TEMP                          Temperature, Temporary
TENV                          Totally Enclosed Non-ventilated
TER                             Terrazzo
TERM                         Terminal
TH                               Total Heat
THD                            Total Harmonic Distortion
THRU                          Through
T/C                              Top of Caisson, Top of Concrete
T/F                               Top of Footing
T/W                             Top of Wall
TONE                          Tone Transfer
TP                               Toilet Partition, Total Pressure, Thumb Piece
TPC                             Textured Plastic Coating
TRAN                          Transverse
TRT                             Treat, Treatment, Treated
TS                               Top of Steel
T-STAT                       Thermostat
TSP                             Total Static Pressure
TSU                             Thermal Storage Unit TU Terminal Unit
TV                               Television
TX                               Transformer
TYP                             Typical

U                                 Urinal
UC                               Undercut, Undercounter, Undercarpet
UH                               Unit Heater
UHF                            Ultra High Frequency
UNEX                          Unexcavated
UNFIN                         Unfinished
UNO                            Unless Noted Otherwise
UR                               Urinal
URG'T                         Urgent
US                               Utility Sink
UTIL                            Utility
UV                               Ultraviolet

V                                  Valve, Vent, Volume, Velocity, Vacuum
VAC                            Vacuum
VAV                             Variable Air Volume
VB                               Vapor Barrier
VCP                            Vitrified Clay Pipe
VCPX                          Vitrified Clay Pipe, Extra Strength
VD                               Volume Damper
VEH                            Vehicle
VENT                          Ventilat(ion) (or)
VERT                          Vertical
VEST                          Vestibule
VF                               Ventilation Fan
VFD                             Variable Frequency Drive
VHF                             Very High Frequency
VM                              Voltmeter
VOL                             Volume
VP                               Vacuum Pump, Velocity Pressure
VS                               Venturi Station
VSI                              Voltage Source Inverters
VT                               Vinyl Tile
VTR                             Vent Thru Roof
VWC                           Vinyl Wall Covering

W                                 West, Wide Flange, Wall Mounted, Width, Waste(piping)
W/                                With
WA                              Wainscot
WB                              Wet Bulb
WBT                            Wet Bulb Temperature
WC                              Water Closet
WD                              Wood
WDW                          Window
WF                              Wide Flange, Wall Fin, Wood Flooring
WG                              Water Gauge
WH                              Water Heater, Wall Hydrant
WI                                Wrought Iron, Width
WL                               Wind Load
WLD                            Welded
WM                             Wattmeter
W/O                             Without
WP                              Water Proof(ing), Weatherproof (electrical), Working Point
WPD                           Water Pressure Drop
WS                              Wall Switch, Water Stop, Water Softener
WT                              Weight
WWC                          Wood Wall Covering
WWF                           Welded Wire Fabric

XFMR                         Transformer
XL                                Extra Long
XLP                             Cross Linked Polyethylene
XP                               Explosion Proof

YD                               Yard
YH                               Yard Hydrant
YR                               Year
Y,W                             Wye

ZA                               Zone Annunciator
ZN                               Zone

1P                                One Pole
2P                                Double Pole

1S                                Single Speed
2S                                Two Speeds

1W                               One Winding
2W                               Two Windings


AABC                          Associated Air Balance Council
ABMA                         American Boilers Manufacturers Association
ACI                              American Concrete Institute
ADA                            Americans with Disabilities Act
ADC                            Air Diffusion Council
AGA                            American Gas Association
AHC                            Architectural Hardware Consultant
AIA                              American Institute of Architects
AISC                           American Institute of Steel Construction
AISI                             American Iron and Steel Institute
AMCA                         Air Movement and Control Association
ANSI                           American National Standards Institute
APA                             American Plywood Association
ARI                              Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
ASA                             Acoustical Society of America
ASHRAE                     American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning Engineers
ASME                         American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM                          American Society of Testing Materials
AWI                             Architectural Woodwork Institute
AWPA                         American Wood Preservers Association
AWPI                           American Wood Preservers Institute AWS American Welding Society
AWWA                        American Water Works association

BHMA                         Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association
BIA                              Brick Institute of America
BOCA                         Building Officials and Code Administration International, Inc.

CAC                            California Administrative Code
CRA                            California Redwood Association
CRREL                       Cold Region Research Engineering Lab
CS                               Commercial Standard (U.S. Department of Comm.)
CTI                              Cooling Tower Institute

EIA                              Electronic Institute of America
EJMA                          Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association
EIFS                            Exterior Insulation Finish Systems Association
FCI                              Fluid Controls Institute, Inc.
FM                               Factory Mutual
FS                               Federal Specification
HEI                              Heat Exchanger Institute
HI                                Hydraulic Institute
HMI                             Hoist Manufacturers Institute
HYDI                           Hydraulics Institute

IBR                              Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers
ICBO                           International Conference of Building Officials
ICEA                           Insulated Cable Engineers Association
IEEE                            Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IES                              Illuminating Engineering Society
IIA                                Incinerator Institute of America
IPCEA                         Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association

MSS                            Manufacturers Standardization Society
MCAA                         Mechanical Contractors Association of America

NBC                            National Building Code
NBS                            National Bureau of Standards
NCRP                         National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement
NEBB                          National Environmental Balancing Bureau
NEC                            National Electrical Code
NECA                          National Electrical Contractors Association
NECS                          National Electrical Code Standards
NEMA                         National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA                          National Fire Protection Association
NOAA                         National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
NSF                             National Sanitation Foundation
NTMA                         National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association

OSHA                         Occupational Safety and Health Act

PCI                              Prestressed Concrete Institute
PDI                              Plumbing Drainage Institute
PS                               Public Standard (U.S.Dept.of Comm.)
PTI                              Post Tensioning Institute

SAE                             Society of Automotive Engineers
SAMA                         Scientific Apparatus Markers Association
SBCCI                         Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.
SDI                              Steel Deck Institute
SFPA                          Southern Forest Products Association
SMACNA                    Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors
National Association, Inc.
SPRI                           Single Ply Roofing Institute
SSPC                          Structural Steel Painting Council

TEMA                          Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association

UBC                            Uniform Building Code
UFC                            Uniform Fire Code
UL                               Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
UMC                           Uniform Mechanical Code
UPC                            Uniform Plumbing Code

WWPA                        Western Wood Products Association




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