Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - Summary Of Works




A.   The work of this Contract comprises the procurement and the construction, in accordance with the Contract Documents, of all facilities, buildings and appurtenances of the project including Site Work, Civil, Architecture, Structural Mechanical, Electrical Works, Furniture and Equipments.

B.   The Contractor shall have full responsibility for the procurement and construction of all required items and systems, whether or not specifically called for these documents. The items and systems shall be in place, complete and functional prior to acceptance.

C.  Scope of Work:
1.   The work of the contract shall include but not limited to:
See scope of work, drawings and MTO

D.  Scope of Services:
1.   Surveys and Investigations: The information provided by the Owner with regard to existing site conditions, location of existing roads and structures, soil characteristics, and other information affecting the work available to the Owner. The Owner assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of such information and the contractor is responsible to make any additional surveys or investigations necessary to satisfactory establish existing site conditions, including location of existing structures, utilities or other items, grades and elevations, drainage flow patterns, structural characteristics of soils, property lines and necessary information to form the bases for project design.
2.   The Contractor shall provide all supervision, labor, equipment, materials, construction plant, consumable and expertise for the construction of all facilities, buildings, appurtenances within the site including site work, civil work, Architecture, Structural Mechanical, Electrical Works utilities, hardscaping, landscaping, furniture, fixture and equipment.
3.   The contract work shall include supplying installing all equipment, tools, spare parts, extra quantities of materials and maintenance works, irrespective of whether or not this is specifically mentioned in the relevant sections.
4.   Make all interface connection with the work of others as shown and described in the Contract Document.
5.   The Contractor shall provide the soil report on hard and soft copy (CD) prepared by geotechnical consultant to the owner including all documents (Diagrams, Figures, Table, etc.) which will be solely property of the University.


A.         The Contractor shall coordinate the construction of the work with the Engineer or his authorized representative.

A.         Interface with the construction of the existing and/or adjacent contracts as well as the site development and Landscaping Contracts and future buildings as necessary.

B.         The Contractor shall investigate subsoil surface conditions, conduct soil tests, submit recommendations for the Engineer’s approval and subsequently shall improve soils to meet the design bearing capacity. The soil improvement shall include providing installation, testing of stone columns.

C.        The foundations of the buildings may be redesigned by the Contractor if necessary at no additional cost. Once the selected and approved method of design has been completed, the Contractor shall conduct appropriate soil tests in order to verify the results of this work. These post soil test shall be submitted for the Owner’s approval.

D.        The Contractor shall guarantee foundation bearing pressures and prevention of settlements in excess of those specified.

E.         The Contractor shall be totally responsible for the subsurface soil improvement in order to meet the requirements of the structural design.

F.         The structural system shown on the structural drawings is based on the design criteria and project data given on the drawings and/or the specifications.
The Contractor shall study and review the design contained in the tender documents and in case of any changes or modifications in the structural system, design criteria or project data, the contractor must submit the design calculations and all necessary details as specified in the structural general notes and/or specifications.
In addition to the above, the Contractor must submit details, calculations with relevant shop drawings for all supplier/patent systems or equipment-dependent engineering to the Owner for review and approval prior to utilizing such systems.

Not used.

A.         Division 1, General Requirements, of the Specifications generally specifies work and coordination that is the direct responsibility of the Contractor, but shall not be interpreted to define absolutely the limits of responsibility that must be established between the Contractor and his Subcontractors by their separate agreements.

B.         Where particular requirements specified in Division 2 to 16, inclusive, of the Specification are in conflict with Division 1, the former shall take precedence.

C.        Work in the Specifications is divided into descriptive Sections which are not intended to identify absolute contractual limits between Subcontractors, or between the Contractors, of between the contractor and his Subcontractors. Contractor shall organize division of labor and supply of materials essential to complete the works in all its parts.
D.        Whenever the word “building” occurs in the Contract Documents it shall be taken to mean all the buildings included in the Contract.

E.         Wherever in the Contract Documents the words “direction”, “directed”, “selection”, “selected”, “request”, “requested”, “report” and similar words are used, such approvals, directions, selections, requests, and reports shall be given by the Engineer unless specifically stated otherwise.

F.         Wherever in the Contract Documents the words” approved” or “approval” are used, such approval shall be made in consultation with the Engineer. Approval by the Engineer of drawing, products, materials, method of finishes shall not absorbed the Contractor of his responsibilities as required in the Contract.

G.        Wherever in the Contract Documents the word “ provide “ is used in any form, it shall mean that the work concerned shall include both supply and installation of the products required for completion of specified work to which reference is made.

H.        Wherever in the Contract Documents the word “ include “ is used in any form, the items of work listed following shall not be interpreted to be restricted to only those items that are listed.

I.          Wherever in the Contract Documents the word “ indicated “ or “shown “ are used they shall apply as meaning “indicated on Drawings and /or Schedule” or shown on plans and/or Schedule” unless the context expresses another meaning.

J.         Wherever in the Contract Documents the terms “o.c.” is used it shall mean “on center”.

K.         Wherever in the Contract Documents the term “ID” or “OD” are used they shall mean “inside diameter” and “outside diameter”, respectively.

L.         Wherever in the Contract Documents the term “dia.” is used it shall mean “diameter”.

M.        Wherever in the Specifications it is specified that work to which reference is made shall proceed or shall meet approval direction, selection or request of jurisdictional authorities or others, such approval, direction, selection or request shall be in writing.

N.        Wherever in the Specifications it is specified that work shall be repaired, made good or replaced, it shall be performed without any additional cost to the Owner.
O.        Wherever in the Specifications the term “exposed to view is used it shall refer to surfaces that are within the line of vision of persons from any accessible viewpoint, both within and without the building. Where any part of a surface is exposed to view, all other portions of that surface shall also be considered as exposed to view.

A.         The provision of all sections of Division 1 shall apply to each Section of Division 2 to 16, inclusive which are included in the Specifications.

1.07     DRAWINGS
A.         Drawing shall include all drawings, and Schedules included in the Contract Documents.

B.         Drawings indicate scope of the Works and the general and approximate location, arrangement and size of a fixtures, equipment, ducts, piping, conduit and outlets. Determine accurate locations arrangements and sizes by the study and coordination of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and equipment Drawings. Before proceeding with the works, ensure that spaces and arrangements which affect installations are adequate and coordinated. Where constructions require reasonable revisions to indicate locations and arrangements, make such revisions at no additional cost to the Owner.

A.         Certain items of work may be indicated on the Drawings by the designation “NIC” which shall be interpreted to mean “Not in Contract”.

B.         Do not include items designated “NIC”, in the works.

C.        “NIC” work is indicated solely to ensure that adjacent work will be prepared for and schedule as required by the “NIC” work, and for an understanding of the design intent.

A.         If overtime is required as a result of acceleration of work, or for any reason, the Owner shall be entitled to be compensated for the additional supervision cost incurred by the Engineer.

B.         Give Owner adequate notice of intent to perform overtime work and obtain the Owner’s approval before proceeding with overtime work.

1.10     USE OF SITE
A.         Obtaining of necessary permission’s and permits for additional Provision works areas outside of the site boundaries that may required by the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and at his own costs for permits and for other related expenses.

B.         Obtain permission from the Owner for use of Owner Property outside of the confines of the assigned construction site prior to occupying it for any purpose.

C.        Perform only work directly related to the works on the site.

D.        The site and additional work areas shall be utilized by the Contractor and his Sub-contractor only as required for the Works.
E.         Restrict construction personnel to approved site and work areas. Do not allow unauthorized persons on the site or work area.

A.         Do not restrict the Owner in the safe and unhindered use of and access to adjacent premises including but not limited to, building, roads, walks and similar facilities.
B.         Coordinate with the Engineer to ensure continuing use of and access to adjacent premises as approved by the Owner.

A.         All construction workers, Contractor’s and Sub-contractor’s administrative personnel required on site by the Works shall be registered with the Owner as directed.
B.         Obtain Owner approval for identification of worker and administrative personnel. Such identification shall be on their person at all times while they are on the job site.

A.         The Contractor shall be responsible for making arrangements for transportation of construction personnel and other transportation to and from the site as may be required for the Works. Cost of such transportation shall be included in the Total Value of the Contract Amount. Pay all charges for shipments of parcels containing shop drawings, sample and other specified submittals, and other documents and materials concerning the works to Owner, Contractor, and Engineer.

A.         Contractor’s proposed construction schedule within ten working days of notification of bid acceptance, for approval.
B.         Correct, revise, up-date, and otherwise maintain schedule current to progress of construction. Supply each corrected, revised and up-dated schedule to Owner, Engineer and Sub-contractors.
C.        Prepare schedule in approved format, on standard form of Owner.

A.         Maintain at site a permanent Contractor’s written daily record of progress of the Works in permanently bound log book with sequentially numbered pages. Make the record available at all times with copies provided when requested. Include in record each day:
1. Weather conditions with maximum and minimum temperatures and relative humidity.
2. Conditions encountered during excavation.
3. Commencement and completion date of the work of each trade in each area of Works.
4. Erection and removal dates of form work in each area of the Works.
5. Dates, quantities, and particulars of each concrete pour.
6. Dates, quantities, and particulars of waterproofing installation.
7. Dates, quantities, and particulars of roofing installation.
8. Attendance, of Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s work forces at Site and record of the work they perform.
9. Visits to site by Owner, Engineer, jurisdictional authorities, testing companies, Contractor, Subcontractors, and suppliers.
10. Other pertinent data as directed by the Engineer.

B.         Maintain a progress chart in a format approved form sample submitted. Show on chart proposed construction schedule and the progress achieved by the Contractor and each portion of the Works by the trade.

A.         Ensure by examination that all physical features at the Works, and working restrictions and limitations which exist are known, so that the Owner is not restricted in his use of the site for his needs.
B.         Previously completed Works:
1. Where dimensions are required for proper fabrication, verify dimensions of completed work in place before fabrication and installation of work to be incorporated with it.
2. Verify that previously executed work and surfaces are satisfactory for installation or application, or both, and that performance of subsequent work will not be adversely affected.
3. Ensure that the work installed in an unsatisfactory manner is rectified before further work proceeds.
4. Commencement of each stage of work will not constitute acceptance of site conditions and previously executed work as satisfactory for the performance of the immediate subsequent stage of work.

A.         The Contractor shall provide necessary methods, materials, and construction to ensure that no damage or harm to work, materials, property and persons results from performance of the Contract.
B.         Protect excavated areas from damage by water from natural sources and from backed up drain lines and sewers.
C.        Protect existing facilities (buildings, roads, asphalting areas, utilities…. etc.
D.        Keep excavations, cellars, basements, and pits free of water. Pump dry as required.
E.         Protect building from damage by exposure to inclement weather.
F.         Keep surfaces, on which finish materials will be applied, free from grease, oil, and other contamination which would be detrimental in any way to the application of finish materials.
G.        Protect glass and other finishes against heat, slag and weld spatter by provision of adequate shielding.
H.        Do not permit strippable tape or coatings to become bake on surfaces which protect.
I.          Do not apply visible markings to surfaces exposed to view in finished state or that received transparent finishes.
J.         Protect surfaces of completed work exposed to view from staining, disfigurement and all other damage by restriction of access or by use of physical means suitable to the material and surface location.
K.         Schedule finishing work at end of construction when interference from tradesmen is at a minimum.
L.         Brace and shore masonry walls until their designed lateral support is incorporated at both top and bottom.
M.        Enforce fire prevention methods at site. Do not permit bonfire, open flame heating devices or accumulation of debris. Use flammable materials only if proper safety precautions are taken, both in use and storage.
N.        Provide and maintain in working in order extinguisher of type suitable for fire hazard present in each case as approved by jurisdictional authorities, and locate them prominent location and to approval jurisdictional authorities.
O.        Do not store flammable materials in the building, take necessary measure to prevent spontaneous combustion, place cloth and other disposable materials that are a fir hazard in closed metal container and remove them from the building every night.
P.         Where flammable materials are being applied, ensure that adequate ventilation is provided, spark-proof equipment is used, and smoking and open flames are prohibited.
Q.        Ensure that volatile fluid wastes are not disposed of in storm or sanitary sewers or in open drain courses, and that disposal methods approved by local authorities are utilized.
R.        Public and Site Utilities and Services:
1.         Verify location of and limitations imposed by existing mechanical, electrical, telephone and similar services, and protect them from damage. If necessary relocate active services to ensure that they function continuously in safety and without risk of damage.
2.         Cap off and remove unused utility services encountered during work after approval is given by the utilities concerned jurisdictional authorities, whichever may apply, relocation, removal, protection and capping of existing utility services shall be performed only by the applicable utility, and of other services by licensed mechanics.
3.         Coordinate the capping off, removal and reconnection of a utility with the utility concerned, and make payment for costs involved.
S.         Ensure that precautions are taking to prevent leakage and spillage from plumbing and mechanical work that may damage surface and materials.
T.         When working adjacent to roofing and/or waterproofing membrane following their installation, during the time they are temporarily protected or exposed, ensure that no damage occurs to them before completion of the work.
U.        Ensure that physical protection and barrier to prevent traffic are installed for waterproofing membrane. Do not remove barricades or guards that are installed to prevent traffic over horizontal membranes until permanent protection is provided.
V.         Floors:
1. The Contractor shall adequately protect trowelled concrete floors from damage. Take special measures when moving heavy loads or equipment on them.
2. Keep trowelled concrete floor free from oils, grease or other materials likely to damage them, discolor them or affect bond of applied finishes. Once building is enclosed, keep floor as dry as possible after curing.
3. To prevent soiling or damage to finish flooring where work is performed after the flooring has been installed, install 0.152 mm polyethylene membrane or reinforced Kraft paper for temporary protection, secured in place and with joints seal by reinforced pressure sensitive tape. Maintain protection for the duration of the performance of the work.
4. Install plywood panels of minimum 6 mm thickness over completed finished flooring materials on which the further construction work is performed or delivery of product is made, or both. Seal joints between panels with reinforced pressure sensitive tape.
W.        Exposed walls, sealing, finish metals, glass, fitments, and equipment. Ensure that adequate protection to prevent damage, as specified herein before, to exposed surfaces as stone work, other exterior and interior wall and ceiling surface, finish metal, glass, fitments and equipment is provided and maintained during handling, storage, installation, and until removals approved, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
X.         Prevent spread of dust beyond the construction site by wetting, or by other approved means, as it accumulates.
Y.         Provide safety helmets to loan visitors to the site.

A.         Establish a safety program to maintain safe working condition at the site at all times.
B.         Appoint one person in sole authority and additional assistant personnel to administer and oversee safety practice at the site. Establish their authority to enforce safety program requirements.
C.        Coordinate with the Engineer to determine any special safety requirements of the Owner.
D.        Ensure that all persons on the site are informed of safety program requirements and of their obligations to maintain safe working condition.
E.         Post safety warning and instructions in English and Arabic language at visible and critical location throughout the site.

A.         Include in the work of each section necessary fastenings, anchors, insert, attachment accessories, and adhesives. Where installation of devices is in work of other Sections, deliver devices in ample time for installation, locate devices for other sections and cooperate with other sections as they require.
B.         Do not install fiber, plastic or wood plugs or blocking for fastenings in masonry, concrete, or metal construction unless specified indicated on Drawings.
C.        Do not use fastenings which cause spalling or cracking of materials in which installed. Do not use powder actuated fastening devices unless specified.
D.        Expansion Bolt and All-In-One Anchors:
1.   Whenever expansion type fastening devices of any kind which rely upon friction forces created by expansion of the device or all-in-one screw anchors in drilled holes of the Tapcon type are to be used in concrete and masonry, submit following data to Engineer for review:
a.   Load carrying capacity of device.
b.   Nature and magnitude of force to be applied to device with supporting data.
c.   Materials to which device is fastened.
d.   Whether device is self drilling or, if not, the size of bit to be used to drill holes to receive the device.
e.   Installation procedure to ensure that fasteners are secure and reliable and that metal reinforcing is not damaged.
All such data shall bear the seals of professional structural engineer licensed to practice at the location of the works.
2.   If requested by the Engineer, conduct on site test of installed fasteners using an approved independent testing company with properly designed and calibrated force measuring apparatus.
E.         Ceiling Hangers Inserts:
1.   Provide insert for casting into concrete for anchorage of hangers for ceiling framing, and mechanical and electrical ducts, pipes and conduit.
2.   Determine working load (load supported by hanger) that will be imposed on each insert, and provide insert suitable for hanger type and loading as thereby required.
3.   Provide capacity: working load safety factor ratio of 5:1 or better.
4.   Insert Type, hanger size, load capacity and working loads at each location shall be as indicated on insert location drawings prepared by the Contractor and submitted as specified in Section 01330.
5.   Inserts for 6 mm and greater diameter hangers: Steel ferrules threaded for machine bolts and designed for secure anchorage in concrete. Provide threaded plastic or steel setting plugs to be secured to formwork and to seal insert from entry of concrete. Plug shall be easily removable to allow installation of hanger.
6.   Inserts for hanger of less than 6 mm diameter: Formed minimum 0.4 mm thick galvanized sheet steel with minimum 4.8 mm diameter galvanized steel wire anchor hooks and eye.
F.         Install metal-to-metal fastenings fabricated of the same metal, or of a metal which will not set up electrolytic action causing damage to fastenings or components, or both. Use non-corrosive fastenings for exterior work, and where attached to, or contained within, exterior walls and slabs. Leave steel anchors bare where cast in concrete.
G.        Install work with fastenings or adhesives in sufficient quantity to ensure permanent secure anchorage of materials, constructions, components, and equipment. Space anchors within limits of load- bearing or shear capacity.
H.        Space exposed fastenings evenly and in an organized pattern, keep number to a minimum. Provide exposed metal fastenings of same materials, texture, color and finish as metal on which they occur.

A.         Ensure that secured support is provided for lighting fixtures by suspended ceiling, or by separate hangers, or by both.
B.         Coordinate the ceiling system and lighting fixtures installations to provide adequate support.
C.        Submit affidavits with acceptable design information confirming that the installation of the suspended ceiling system and/or separate fixture hangers provided by the lighting fixture installer will provide adequate support for the lighting fixtures without exceeding specified deflection tolerances for the ceiling system.

A.         Ensure that dielectric separator approved by the Engineer provided in the permanent manner over entire contact surfaces to prevent electrolytic action (galvanic corrosion) between dissimilar metals. Similarly, prevent corrosion to metal in contact with alkaline materials such as contained in concrete, masonry and like construction.

A.         Slab on Grade:
1.   Embed conduit and pipe in concrete slabs on grade
a. only when their outside diameter is less than 1/3 of the slab thickness.
b. only when they are covered by a minimum of 50 mm of concrete.
c. only when they are spaced more than three diameters center to center when they are installed parallel to each other.
B.         Suspended slab, beams or walls:
1.   Install conduit, pipe and sleeves passing through concrete slabs, walls and beams only in approved location so that the strength of these structural components are not impaired, and so that they are spaced at not less than three diameter center to center.
2.   Embed conduit and pipe in slab and walls
a. only in the center of the slab or wall
b. only when their outside diameter is 50 mm or less
c. only when they are spaced 150 mm center to center or more when they are installed parallel to each other
d. only when no more than six conduit and pipe are installed in any bay of slab or wall.
3.   Install conduit and pipe when they across each other only when they can be accommodated within the mid-third of the slab at the crossover while maintaining a minimum of 50 mm concrete cover.
4.   At slabs or walls 150 mm or less in thickness permit embedment of only conduit of 20 mm maximum outside diameter.

A.         Conform to manufacturer’s recommended installation temperatures. If finishes such as tile, resilient flooring, stone etc. are installed at temperatures different from operation of service temperatures, make provision for expansion and contraction in service as approved by the Engineer. Repair all resulting damage should expansion provisions prove inadequate.

A.         Finish exposed surfaces to match approved samples and/or as approved by Engineer. Color, tone, texture, grain, pattern, smoothness, flatness, evenness, transparency and translucency matching and appearance or elements in finished surface and of surface shall be to Engineers approval.

A.         Ensure that spotters, droppings, soil, labels, and debris are removed from surface to receive finishes before they are set up. Leave work and adjacent finished work in new condition.
B.         Use only cleaning materials which are recommended for the purpose by both the manufacturer of the surface to be cleaned and of the cleaning material.
C.        Maintain premises “broom clean” at all times. Vacuum clean interior areas immediately before finish painting commences.
D.        Do not burn or bury waste material at site. Remove as often as required to avoid accumulation.
E.         Do not allow waste material and debris to accumulate in an unsightly or hazardous manner. Sprinkle dusty accumulations with water. Provide containers in which to collect waste material and debris.
F.         Control lowering of materials. Use as few handling as possible. Do not drop or throw materials from stories above grade unless they are contained within a chute.
G.        Blow out ductwork to remove dust, dirt and other foreign materials.
H.        Ensure that cleaning operations are schedule to avoid deposit of dust or other foreign matter on surface during finishing work and until wet or tacky surfaces are cured.

A.         Provide suitable measures to prevent accumulation of materials generating dust at the site and to prevent the spread of dust on the works, the site, and adjacent property.

A.         Monitor the site and the works at all times to prevent an infestation of the Works by insects, rodents and similar pests.
B.         Employ suitable extermination methods approved by the Engineer to prevent potential infestation of the works by pests.
C.        In areas where white ant infestation is observed spray areas with a suitable and approved insecticide to eradicate the ants.
D.        Additionally in such areas, spray areas under concrete slabs and foundations with insecticide before the slabs and foundations are placed.

1.28     ADJUSTING
A.         Ensure that all components of assemblies fit snugly, accurately and in true planes, and that moving parts operate positively and freely, without bending and scrapping.
B.         Verify that work functions properly, and adjust it accordingly to ensure satisfactory operations.
C.        Lubricate products as recommended by the supplier.

1.29     SALVAGE
A.         Unless otherwise specified, materials on the site at the time of signing of Contract shall remain property of Owner.
B.         Unless otherwise specified, salvaged material resulting from construction, and surplus materials and construction debris shall become property of Contractor, who shall dispose off it away from site at municipally approved location.

A.         Include installation of equipment and furniture supplied by the Owner. Coordinate shipping and delivery with Owner. Store items supplied by Owner on site, protected
from damage. Install completely, and leave in full operating condition, in accordance with suppliers directions.
B.         For plants supplied by the Owners, the contractor shall responsible for delivery, shipping and planting and maintenance all on the contractor cost.





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