Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jobs In Government Defense MinistryBS-7 to Bs-17

Jobs In Government Defense MinistryBS-7 to Bs-17
Jobs In Government Defense MinistryBS-7 to Bs-17
Jobs In Government Defense MinistryBS-7 to Bs-17

Applications are invited from Pak s ani Nationals having requisite qualifications . age tout the ollov rig posts under the Federal Government :-
Sr. No. 1 Post &Pay Seal • Assistant Director Age Limill 77 •4135 Years Qualification/Experience  degree in the subjects of Economics, Political Science, International Relations, Defence 8 Strategic Studies and Computer/domination Technology. 2. Inspector (JIM) 035-16) 20w 35 Years BA I 8.8c :' 8.Com I Equivalent Degree. Relax-able to Matriculation In ease of retired; serving personnel of Armed Forces having two years experience of In leligeoce duties. 1 (P • 1 3. Traffic Analyst Supervisor (BS-113) 18 to 50 Win BA :' BSc :' B.Com :' Equivalent Degree. Relaxable :o Matriculation: equivalent is case DI Ex servicemen with minimum Wee years of experience as Traffic Analyst in Signal inlaifigence Organize:inn el any ol the three services. 7 Partial) -4 Shah (R) -2 KR - I 4. Traffic Analyst IBS-14) 1810 45 Years Matriculation or equivalent or 2no class certikate of education and 2nd class English Certificate or Is equivalent. Ex-serylce mm having minimum experience of 3 years in a signal intelligence Organization and elle have previous everience of Traffic Analyst can also apply. 7 Moil - 1 Punjab -4 KP - 1 AK - 1 5 Security Sub Inspector ;5S-74) 18 to 30 years Intermediate or equivalent. Relaxable to Matriculation in case of Mired: SOiyily personnel laving experience offleid Intelligence. 4 Punjab .3 SIndh (10 • I 6. Sub-Inspector 7.5S-14) 18to 30 , Trals in tormegiale or equivalent. Relaxable to Maniculatbn In case of retired: serving personnel having experience ol lioldinlelligcnec. 10 Hien! - 1 Punjab -9 Sindh (U) -2 Sindh (R) - 2 KP - 3 Balechislan-1 FANGS -1 r.: Assistant 03S-14) 18 to 30 Years BA i B.Sc I B.Com I Equivalent Degree with typing speed of 20 'RPM. 4 Punjab -2 Sindh ( R- 1 KP - 1 8. Stenotypist (85-14) 18 to 30 Years Intermediate. Short hand speed 80 vonandlyping gonadal wpm. 3 Merit • i Punjab -1 Sindh ( U)- 1 9 Security Assistant Sub Inspector 185-9) 18 to 30 Years Matriculation:equivalent Reaxable in case of Retired/sensing personnel having experience In Field intelligence duties. 8 Puroeb-ri Sindn (U)-1 KP .1 Balochistan-1 FATA:GB-1 10. Upper Division Clerk (35-9) 1810 30 Years intermediate with typing speed cd 6 Merit - 1 Punjab -3 KP - 1 Bakichistan-1
Sr. No. 11 Peat &Pay SCal Operator Special Age Limit tatc 45 , MatscoWino:equivalent or 2nr: clasS certificate art 3o7 class English Certificate: equivalent. In case ol ex-service men minimum speed of Meese Reading 16 wpm. relaxable in case or persons retired as Technicians/etyma/Operator:. Clerk. Candidates must lave minimum ?years experience. Ct "" Ct Quota Merit - I Punjab - 9 Sindh (U) - 1 Sindh ( R)- 1 KP - 2 Balochis:an-1 FATA:6R - 2 12 Lower WSW Clerk his-ir: 18 to 30 Years Matriculation with typing speed Of 30wpm. 17 rdrult - 1 Punjab -9 Sindh (U) • 1 Sindh (R) - 2 104 - 2 Balochistan-1 EATA:613 - 1 13 Security Supervisor (0S-iI 18 to 30 Years Matriculation/equivalent. Relaxable in case of rebredise-ving personnel having experience in Feld intelligence. 13 Punjab -6 Sindh (R) -2 KP - 2 lialechlstan-2 FATKREI -1 Conditions of Eli ibilit :
a. A3e will be calculated. ith effect from the last dateof submitting applications. b. C ndidates ot Baloclistan domicile who have already applied for the posts (Adv# PID(1) 5286:12) advertisedon 80,1av 7013 are not reauired toMMIV attain. c. The maximum age timit maybe relaxed in the following cases:-(I) By three years In the case of candidates belonging to scheduled castes, Buddhist community, recognised tribes of the Tribal Areas. Azad Kashmir and Marten. Areas (Districts of Gilgit, &tartly and Chemin in accvdance with theinstructions issuedtryEstablishment Division. Government ol Paleistan. (2) By :hree years in the case of candidates belonging to Sindh (R) and Balochistan for posts in BS-15 and below under the Fecerai Government Rule. (3) in case of Government servants who have been in continuous service for the last 2 years or more on the closing dale of nrceipt of apptications ma)i mum age limit may be relaxmd as Vowed under the rules. (4) in case of released or retired officers/personnel of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, maximum age rah maY be relaxed by 15 yearsor the number of years actually served in the turned Forces of Pakistan, whichever is less. (5) 5 years age relaxation ir case of widows, son or daughter of deceased civil servant who died during service. (6) By 10 years in the case of disablec persons for appointment to posts in 65-15 and below. d Those who have beer rejected thrceneadnot to apply. o. The Lekla reserved Itir minorities. worrier, Orphans, disabled and desbluies will be adhered according to Government instruction
0plicalon form and online depositional available on MS
ii Please deposit test fee of Rs. 6001• for Serial 1 and Rs. SOW- for Serial 2 to 13 through the prescribed deposit slip at the online branches of ML, RE, HBL or MOB (candidate can apply for maximum three categories0f stall irom serial No.2 lo 13 on payoff!!! of Nagle f ee). iii Candidates are required to send !heir prescribed Application Forms along wi:h online Mimi! slip (in original) at MS Reacquartot, Islamabad. Iv Deposited amount Is non refundable/ non transferable. v Mobile phone is rotallowed ir test center premises. vi Application submitted by hand will not be entertained. For further information tease contact
forms last Bate for Submission of Application FEBRUARY 12,2014
National Testing Service-Pakistan
Headquarter: Karachi Office: Lahore Office: Peshawar Office: Quetta Office: 98, Street No.04. C-32:11/4 Central Commercial/Area 8-2, Rahat Abac No.5317. Opposite siamabazi KDA Scheme N001, gnat Road. Karacni (CCA) Plaza # 201. Block (FE) Phase iv. D.HA Lahore Colony Near Pakistan Forest institute. Peshawar Engineering Holding, 2erghccm Road, Quetta


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