Thursday, October 10, 2013

Civil Engineering Specifications - CUTTING AND PATCHING




A.        General:

Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting fitting and patching including attendant excavation and backfill, required to complete the work or to:
1.                                                         parts fit together properly.
2.   Uncover portions of the work which were unduly covered.
3.   Remove and replace defective work.
4.   Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of contract documents.
5.   Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing.
6.   Provide routine penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and electrical conduit.

B.        Related Work Specified Elsewhere:

Section 01110: Summary of work.


A.        Submit a written request to Owner ten (10) days in advance of executing any cutting which affects:
1.   Work of the Owner or any separate contractor.
2.   Structural value or integrity of any element of the project.
3.   Integrity or effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements or systems.
4.   Efficiency operational life, maintenance or safety of operational elements.
5.   Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements.

B.        Request shall include:
1.   Identification of the project.
2.   Description of affected work.
3.   The time necessary for cutting or excavation.
4.   Effect on work of Owner or any separate contractor or on structural or weatherproof integrity of the project.
5.   Description of proposed work:
a.   Spec. of cutting, patching, or excavation.
b.   Trades who will execute the work.
c.   Product proposed to be used.
d.   Extent of refinishing to be done.
6.   Alternatives to cutting and patching.
7.   Written permission of any separate contractor whose work will be affected.

C.        Should conditions of work or the schedule indicate a change of products from original installation, contractor shall submit request for substitution.

D.        Submit written notice to the Owner designating the date and time work will be uncovered.


2.01    MATERIAL

A.        Comply with specifications and standards for each specific product involved.



A.        Inspect existing conditions of project including elements subject to damage or to movement during cutting and patching.

B.        After uncovering work inspect condition affecting installation of products, or performance of work.

C.        Report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions to the Owner in writing; do not proceed with work until the Owner has provided further instructions


A.        Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to assure structural value or integrity of affected portion of work.

B.        Provide protection from elements for that portion of the project which may be exposed by cutting and patching work, and maintain excavation free from water.


A.        Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage to other work, and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs .

B.        Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement of damage to other work.

C.        Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide a finished installation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerances and finishes.

D.        Restore work which has been cut or removed install new products to provide completed work in accordance with requirements of contract Documents.

E.        Fit and seal work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit, and other penetrations through surfaces.

F.         Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide as even finish to match adjacent finishes:
1.   For continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection.
2.   For an assembly, refinish entire unit.


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