Monday, January 27, 2014

Government Job In Engineering University

Government Job In Engineering University
Government Job In Engineering University
Government Job In Engineering University
Vice Chancellor: Baluchistan University of Engineering Technology Khuzdar (BUETK): Khuzdar.
Applications are invited for the position of Vice Chancellor, Baluchistan University of Engineering and Technology Khuzdar (BUETK) from accomplished and strongly motivated academic leaders and administrators with a demonstrated track record of research. The Vice Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the University responsible for leadership in education. research, development, fund raising. industrial and commercial linkages. joint ventures, external relations and management of the University. Distinguished scholars and administrators are also encouraged to nominate potential candidates for the position, in writing. explaining the basis for the nomination Information about the University is available at  Competitive salary package commensurate with qualification and experience as approved by HEC and the Chancellor will be offered.
Candidates will have proven record of Academic Administration, Strong Leadership. Strategic Planning and Financial Management Skills. Applicants having post graduate engineering degree frorn HEC recognized university and must not be more than 65 years and less than 51 years of age on the closing date. with at-least 20 years experiences of affairs related to administration. Education and HEC. The applicant shall have a sound academic background and be well-versed with modem trends in operation and management of an institution of higher learMng and local environrnent. A holistic understanding of issues concerning higher education sector focusing on the pedagogy. quality assurance, instructional systems design, accreditation, global trends etc. will be a major areas/preferences. The Officers/personnel from Arm Forces will be encouraged.  The VC will be appoin(yd under the provision of Section 12 (1) of BUETK Act 1994 by the Hon'able Chancellor BUETK. Interest. applicants must submit their CVs addressing the iterns listed at htto:// Applications along with all supporting documents must reach Governor's Secretariat by 5. February 2014 at the address given below. Applicants must provide their recent Photograph. postal and e-mail addresses as well as telephone and fax numbers. Those already in Government or any other service should apply through proper channel. Only short listed candidates will be invited for interviews by the Convener. Search Committee to recommend panel of potential candidates/names to the Chancellor for appointment of one rnost suitable person in line with the BUETK Act 1994.
PR(Q) No. 1479
Address: Governor's Secretariat. Zarghoon Road Quetta 87300 Phone 081-8202176/920 2170-73


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