Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Government Faculty Required In Engineering University

Government Faculty Required In Engineering University
Government Faculty Required In Engineering University
Government Faculty Required In Engineering University

University of Engineering & Technology Taxila SITUATION VACANT  
Faculty/Admin Position  
Applications from dynamic, dedicated, and competent professionals (Male/Female) are invited from the Pakistani Nationals domiciled in the Province of the Punjab for the appointment in the University. Tenure Track System (rts) where applicable is open to all Pakistani Nationals. FACULTY POSITIONS
S. Position No
Professor BPS-21 (Regular)/ TTS
Associate Professor B P S - 2 0 (Regular)/TTS
Assistant Professor B P S - 1 9 (Regular)/TTS 4 Lecturer BPS-18 (Regular)/
5 Lab. Engineer BPS-17
U.E.T Taxila  Electrical, Mechanical, Computer, Software, Telecommunication, and Industrial Engineering. Computer Science, Basic Sciences (Physics & Mathematics). (Sub Campus Chakwal  Electronics Engineering U.E.T, Taxila  Electrical, Mechanical, Electronic, Environmental, Industrial, Computer, and Software Engineering. Computer Science, Basic Sciences (Physics & Mathematics) Taxila  Electrical, Electronic. and Environmental Engineering. Computer Science, Basic Sciences (Physics) U.E.T, Taxila  Civil, Electronics. Environmental, Mechanical, Computer, Telecommunication and Industrial  Engi neering. Computer Science. (Sub Campus Chakwal  Mechatronics Engineering Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Environmental, Electronic, Software. Telecommunication. and Industrial Engineering (Sub Campus Chakwal  Electronics and Mechatronics Engineering
S.No Position
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11
Treasurer (Five Years •Contract) BPS-20 Librarian (Regular) BPS-19 Senior Medical Officer (Regular) BPS-18 Deputy Treasurer (Regular) BPS-18 Deputy Director Horticulture (Regular) BPS-18 Deputy Director (OR1C: Office of Research, innovation & Commercialization (Regular) BPS-18 Dental Surgeon Ili ri ng on Contract) BPS-17 Assistant Registrar (Regular) BPS-17 Assistant Librarian (Regular) BPS-17 Data Analyst (Regular) BPS 17 Assistant Engineer (Regular) BPS-17
The eligibility criteria and application form are available- on the University website .www.uettaxila.edu.pk and may be down loaded. The -candidate must be .registered With Pakistan Engineering Connell (only for Engineers). Candidates are required to submit the following along with appli-cation form: Attested. copies of degrees, transcripts, .certificates, CNIC, experience certificate (where: applicable) For the post of Professor and Associate Professor two sets of copies. of researeh publications. Postal Order or Bath Draft/Bank Challan ITBL, UET Branch Of the value "BPS-20-21 Rs. 250/-, BPS-I9 Rs. 200/ff, BPS-I8 Rs. 1.50/- & BPS-17 Rs. 100/-" in favour of the Treasurer, UET 4 The candidate .applying for more than one post shall submit sena-rate- application form for each post with required documents. 5 The UET-Taxila and Government employees are required to apply through proper channel. 6 Age Relaxation may be Considered in suitable eases. 7 The: University reserves:the right not to au any post/withhold the appointment against any advertised post without assigning any .Rea-son. 8 Application on prescribed form, completed in all respect must reaCh in the office of the Registrar UET, Taxila on or before• 10.02.2014 (Monday) up to 3.00 phi. 9 -Incomplete applications orthose received after the due date regard-less of the date of dispatch shall not be considered. 10 No--TA.IDA will be paid for the interview/test etc. (Prof. Dr. Tahir Nadeem Malik) Registrar Ph: 051-9047406


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