Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 6 is a red letter day in our history--CM Shabaz Sharif

 September 6 is a red letter day in our history--CM Shabaz Sharif
September 6 is a red letter day in our history--CM Shabaz Sharif
September 6 is a red letter day in our history - our proficient officers, heroic Army jawans and the people, exhibited unprecedented valour in thwarting the dastardly assault on our country by an enemy much larger in size and numbers.
"!!دشمن کواندازہ نہیں تھاکہ اس نےکس قوم کوللکارا! پاکستانیوں کےدلوں میں لاالہٰ الاللہ محمّدالرسول الله کی صداگونجتی ہے"
Indian Army commnder, Gen Chaudhary, making his troops cross the border in the darkness of night, had amusingly vowed to hold a Barra Khana (feast of troops) at the Shalimar Gardens & a party at the Lahore Gymkhana club on the eve of 6th September 1965...but all their designs got foiled!!!
In spite of our earnest desire for peaceful co-existence with neighbours, in perspective of continuous military and ammunition build-up across the border, we cannot afford to lower our guards...
Thus, PML-N Chief Mian Nawaz Sharif’s great courage to hold atomic explosions on 28th May made our country’s defence against foreign enemies unassailable…
War, today, is no longer the exclusive domain of military forces. It’s now education, technology and economy that are the first line of defence...Today, we need to relive the spirit and passion of 1965 for turning Pakistan into a self-reliant, prosperous and dignified state!!!
 پاکستان کو ایٹمی قوت بنایا تھا - اب اقتصادی قوت بنائیں گے

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