Monday, September 10, 2012

Iranian Consul General in Lahore

Iranian Consul General in Lahore, H.E Muhammad Hussain Bani Asadi called on the CM earlier today. Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif congratulated the Iranian Government on behalf of Punjab Government on having successfully hosted the Non Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran earlier this month. CM stated that Iran and Pakistan are brother nations and they will prosper together with mutual cooperation. CM expressed grief over the loss of life and property caused by the earthquake in Northwestern Iran in August. CM had offered the Iranian Government assistance in the form of relief goods when the earthquake occurred and stressed that the Punjab Government would assist the Government of Iran in whatever way it can. The establishment of, a liver transplant center, solar power projects and meat processing units with Iranian cooperation were discussed. A meat processing unit has already been set up with cooperation of the Iranian Government. H.E The Consul General formally invited the CM to visit Iran next month.
Iranian Consul General in Lahore

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